Amesha – The Only Archwing You’ll Ever Need
Warframe really has a little bit of everything in it. We’ve got journeys to the Void, our own private ships and landing crafts, and we even have our own space ship, the Railjack, with which we can do missions in space. But before Railjack, we did still have something of our own that we can fly with. Archwings and Archwing content aren’t that amazing, but they are vital to both Railjack, open worlds and they even have their own mission types. But despite there being five different Archwings (four plus one prime), you’ll only ever need one. And no, it isn’t Odonata, the base Archwing. Or Odonata Prime, which came out alongside Volt Prime.

In one’s clan dojo, assuming the dojo has a Tenno lab built, you can purchase components for three Archwings: Amesha, Itzal and Elytron. Out of these, the only one you’ll need is Amesha. Because it is insanely powerful. It’s like Trinity and Rhino somehow had a baby but it turned into an Archwing. Amesha’s strength is insane.
How so? Well, it can trivialize huge parts of Archwing missions. Its first ability, Watchful Swarm, works like Rhino’s Iron Skin, you spawn 20 little drones that float around you and take damage in your place. In fact, it’s nearly as good as Revenant’s Mesmer Skin, and has more drones to protect you. But you can also give Watchful Swarm to your team mates so they are also protected. In open world areas, you can even cast Watchful Swarm on objectives, mainly the excavator drills and captured Corpus Coildrives in Orb Vallis bounties.
But that’s just the start of Amesha’s power. Its third ability is Warding Grace, which makes you AND nearby allies immune to status effects, while also slowing nearby enemies. Warding Grace makes the Rush Archwing mission on Phobos completely trivial, as you can simply fly past all the drones that are supposed to slow you. The fourth ability, Vengeful Rush, not only does it make everyone else stronger, but it also makes everything invulnerable, assuming you aren’t completely filled with energy. Keep both Warding Grace and Vengeful Rush on and you can remain completely immortal for at least 30 seconds.
And then there’s Benevolent Decoy. This second ability is basically Frost’s Snow Globe but way better. It spawns a large sphere with a smaller sphere inside it. The larger sphere acts as a distraction and draws enemy fire towards it, while the sphere in the center absorbs all damage and protects whatever is inside it. But you can also cast Benevolent Decoy multiple times on itself, not only making it last over 90 seconds, but also makes both spheres much bigger. This completely trivializes the Mobile Defense mission Salacia, where most people level up their archwing-based gear.
Sure, you can do stupid fun things with Itzal, like being invisible or having a bunch of drones following you around, but Amesha just makes everything easy. And Elytron just doesn’t matter, all it can do is fire rockets that don’t even do much damage. Not even Odonata Prime can hold a candle to Amesha’s usefulness.
Honestly, I think Amesha’s strength is part of the reason why we never got Kit-like Archwings. Just like Kitguns and Zaws, there were plans to have a “build your own” Archwing, with different sorts of abilities. But that would mean scrapping the Archwings we already have. Plus, Archwings aren’t exactly popular as it is, so making DIY Archwings would be somewhat unwanted.
The only downside though? Amesha needs like 20 Nitain Extract to build. Well, that used to be a much bigger downside. Now you can just buy Nitain Extract via Nightwave, so even that is more trivial.
So yeah, get yourself an Amesha Archwing, and go and make all Archwing missions trivial.