One Day Of An ‘Unintentional Bug’

On June 28th, a change was made in Pokemon GO. Rather than the 40m area to catch Pokemon, the range was increased to about 70m, allowing people to see Pokemon from further away. This immediately meant that you could see way more Pokemon at any one time. And, frankly, it was great. Normally, I can see one, maybe two spawns at home. My position is awkwardly stuck between two gyms, and GPS drift means I can only access one of them at a time. The same goes for Pokemon spawns, there’s one I can always see, and maybe a couple… [Continue Reading]

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Niantic and Night

Editor’s note: Several days after writing, Niantic decided to change everything so that night time spawns start at 6pm and end at 6am. However it’s not clear whether this is a permanent change or if it’s just for the Summer Solstice event. And it’s also curious that they had to make this change in the first place. As of writing, there is a Summer Solstice event going on in Pokemon GO. But for some reason, we have both day and night spawns, with specific Pokemon spawning based on the time of day. While the daytime Pokemon are pretty obvious, the… [Continue Reading]

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They need to be bigger/smaller…

When I used to play Pixelmon, I spent a lot of time hunting oddly sized Pokemon. The server I played on had special items that randomly changed the size of a specific Pokemon, and you could make your Pokemon either incredibly tiny or incredibly huge. Being someone who had played for quite a while in that server, I accumulated a lot of the size-randoming item, and I used them on quite a few Pokemon. Legendaries would be made huge, while Pokemon I like a lot were made tiny. My favourite Pokemon was a shiny Houndoom that I had made tiny.… [Continue Reading]

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On Jumping Back Into Minecraft

It’s been a long time since I last played Minecraft. I had a dig around back when Mojang announced the massive new caverns and build heights, but I didn’t do much. I looked around in creative mode, thought it was neat, then moved on. After all, I’ve played a lot of Minecraft. However, several of my sister and my sister’s friends decided to make a Minecraft server, and, after a bit of sibling pressure, I decided to jump in. Now, the spawn in this world is a mooshroom biome. Mooshroom biomes are my favourite biome, but I can’t build in… [Continue Reading]

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Why I’m Not Playing Skyrim Again

Skyrim is an odd game. It is both full of content but also eerily empty. While I have played a lot of Skyrim in the past (and even did a whole walk-through playing as the TF2 Medic), I’m wondering if it’s time to give Skyrim another try. But there’s a lot stopping me from doing so. I ought to move to Special Edition. Currently, I only have the Legendary Edition of Skyrim installed. This is the old, 32bit version of Skyrim. I’ve played a bit of Special Edition before and while being a tad more stable, is a little bit… [Continue Reading]

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A New Sea of Thieves Adventure: A Dark Deception

I don’t normally get a chance to do adventures in the Sea of Thieves. Often, by the time I am available to play these adventures, everyone else has already done it, and I don’t want to drag people into doing things again for me. Sure, some can be done by playing solo, and A Dark Deception, the newest adventure as of writing, is easy enough. But was A Dark Deception any good? Adventures are a one-off event. A Dark Deception will available to play for the next two weeks, before it disappears forever. Really, they are pretty stupid with how… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing.

Normally, when you get a new season in Pokemon GO, there’s a shakeup when it comes to Pokemon spawns. You get different Pokemon spawning in the wild, both common and uncommon Pokemomn. However, between seasons 10 and 11, well, not much happened. Here are a bunch of Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing, despite being in different seasons. Sandshrew When season 10 ended, I was hoping we’d see less Sandshrew. Sandshrew has been dicking around since before December 2022, in both its forms. Both Kanto and Galar Sandshrew have been spawning constantly. Whenever I use my daily… [Continue Reading]

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Five Pokemon You Should Consider To Have as a Buddy

In Pokemon GO, you rarely walk alone. There’s always a buddy Pokemon by your side as you walk around. But what is worth walking around? Here are some options. Magikarp You can never have too much Magikarp candy. Even if you’ve managed to complete the Evolve a Magikarp task in Mew’s special research, the fact that you need so much candy is always still there. After all, you need to power up your Gyarados as well. Gyarados isn’t the be-all and end-all of water types, but it is a very strong water type and it has a Mega Evolution, which… [Continue Reading]

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There’s No Such Thing as a Short Sea of Thieves Session

In the Sea of Thieves, being patient is a big part of the game. Everything takes time, and sessions can easily get longer and longer as the night goes on. The last time I played Sea of Thieves, we were at it for hours, getting various commendations done while also sailing with emissary stuff. We did several Veil missions and got a lot of loot. This took us quite a long time, and there wasn’t really a chance to make it take less time. So where does this time actually go? Getting started and actually setting sail takes a long… [Continue Reading]

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The Most Chaotic Hourglass Battle Ever

After a long day of doing Veil missions and working towards commendations, the members of the Barnacled Bastion realized that we had a lot of resources. Like, a lot a lot. We had so many resources that we had two storage crates pretty much filled with cannonballs, and we also had a huge amount of food and wood too. We had over a hundred mangoes and a good stack of pineapples, enough for us to all have something nice to eat. So, before ending our session, we decided to do one Hourglass battle, fighting as Guardians of Fortune. Now, I… [Continue Reading]

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