Pokemon I Like But Don’t Know Why
There are a huge amount of Pokemon to love and enjoy, but there’s also plenty of unusual picks for favorite Pokemon. For me, since most of my knowledge about Pokemon comes from Pokemon GO, I’ve got some odd favorites of my own. And most of them are shiny, since shinies are more common in Pokemon GO.
Anyway, here are some Pokemon I genuinely like, but don’t really know why.
Shiny Skiploom

Isn’t Skiploom cute? I don’t really know why, but Skiploom is utterly adorable, it’s got four little stubby legs, big flappy ears and a flower on its head that works like a helicopter. Its normal green version is pretty cute but shiny Skiploom looks way cuter, as the pink suits it better. Oddly, shiny Hopip isn’t as nice because it’s too much green. Jumpluff is cute as well, but I think Skiploom looks best, simply because it the floating flower and a smile on its face.

I’ve always liked Wurmple, ever since someone put a hat on Wurmple’s head. I do have a bit of a soft spot for all the caterpillar-like Pokemon, but Wurmple in particular just stands out for some reason. I think it’s because it kinda stands up and has two little arms that it can use to hold things. Wurmple feels a bit more bug-y than Caterpie and Weedle, and it has a way better shiny, hence the name of my best buddy Wurmple. It’s also the only bug type that can wear a hat and still look cute. Although that might change if we ever get Weedle with a hat.

For some reason, I catch a lot of Glameow. It’s one of the current seasonal spawns, and it’s fairly common. When it comes to cat Pokemon, there’s quite a lot to choose from, like Litten, Meowth and Weed Cat. But Glameow, as the name suggests, has a bit of glamour to it. Plus, the big curly tail is pretty cool too.
Purrugly though is utterly repulsive. I have no idea why something as elegant as a Glameow evolves into something so ugly. It’s worse than Dragonair evolving into Dragonite.

When I first saw Deoxys, I thought it was just a weird alien that came in different sizes and shapes. But then I discovered that Deoxys goes yellow in its shiny, I decided I needed to get one. That didn’t happen for a long time, but I still liked the weird tentacle arms and all that. Really though, the reason I like Deoxys is because I managed to defeat an Attack Form Deoxys in a solo 5-star raid, and it came out shiny. Yellow Deoxys beats out orange Deoxys. And you all know what I’m like with yellow things.

The reason for me liking Moltres is quite simple. It was the first shiny I ever got in Pokemon GO. I got it during my first raid day, where we met a bunch of people and did Moltres raids across Paphos. But it’s also a somewhat traitorous choice, mostly because Moltes is the emblem of Team Valor, and I like it more than Zapdos, the symbol of Team Instinct. Zapdos is cool and all, but it has one of the worst shinies in Pokemon GO. Moltres’s shiny isn’t amazing either, but it does go a very nice shade of pink.
So there we have it, five odd choices of beloved Pokemon. What Pokemon do you find liking a little too much, without really knowing why?
Honestly, I LOVE Mudkip, and I don’t really know why.
Mudkip is awesome.