Poliwag Community Day

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t exactly excited with this one. Poliwag isn’t the most popular Pokemon, and we recently had a water-type Pokemon for a previous community day – twice. In fact, I nearly forgot it was happening, and a lot of my friends weren’t interested either, some of which already had multiple Poliwag shinies. But I played a little anyway, and it was alright. A bit hot Here in Cyprus, it’s quite hot, especially at 2pm. Even with a bit of shade, I only played for about an hour. However, in that time, I managed to get five shinies,… [Continue Reading]

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Hellsing Ultimate Abridged

I’m not a huge fan of anime. Partly because I don’t really know where to watch it, but also because there’s a lot of anime genres that I don’t particularly like. Also I have a short attention span and don’t really like watching tons and tons of episodes. I don’t particularly watch western cartoons either. As a kid, I did watch things like Dragonball Z, which I have mentioned in the past, but after the age of twelve, I kinda stopped watching cartoons at all, instead only catching snippets of badly dubbed episodes of Pokemon. But now I’m older and… [Continue Reading]

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The Value of a Pinap

The Pinap Berry is probably the second most used berry, after wasting hundreds of golden Razz berries trying to catch legendary Pokemon. The Pinap is a humble berry, as it doubles the amount of candy you get from a Pokemon. Feed it to a Pokemon and it will literally shit out extra candy, assuming you catch it. It’s an insanely useful berry that gets used all the time and has an obvious reward. But the actual value of a Pinap berry seems kinda weird. Looking at it money-wise, the real world value is hard to calculate. Pinaps are stupidly rare… [Continue Reading]

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The 5 Most-Impactful Steam Trades in My Life

There’s something kinda nice about having all my years of gaming stored on Steam. For people like me who got into the scene late, I can pretty much track my entire life through my Steam history, traipse through old screenshots and reviews to see what I was into during those phases of my life. But at least personally, the tab with the most nostalgia is somewhat hidden away in a dusty corner of the inventory screen. Expanding the dropbar near “Trade Offers” lets you see an itemized list of everything you’ve ever done to alter your inventory across Steam’s many… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem With The Blazing Trails Event

The Blazing Trails event ended on the 23rd, marking the end of probably one of the worst events in Pokemon GO for a long time. In this event, most players couldn’t even take part. The Blazing Trails event was supposed to introduce a new mechanic. But that mechanic didn’t even work. The new mechanic is the Route. Routes are player-made paths that you can follow, which give some sort of reward at the end and have Pokemon spawn among said routes. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. Many players found that following routes was tedious and were prone to… [Continue Reading]

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What Even Is The Man In The Wall

Ever since Chains of Harrow, there’s been something lurking in the shadows, both there and not there. With the death of Rell, we have become susceptible to what is generally known as The Man In The Wall. Or Wally for short. This mysterious entity has been silently watching us, nudging us in various directions and often toying with us. The Man In The Wall is an enigmatic entity that no one really knows what it is. The first time we encounter The Man In The Wall is right at the end of The War Within. While he’s not mentioned throughout… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon That Are Hard To Transfer

In Pokemon GO, you have rather limited storage space. A new player generally has enough space for 300 Pokemon and items. But there are a lot of Pokemon to collect. The default space allows for all of Gen 1 and Gen 2 to be collected, but most of the time, the Pokemon you pick up aren’t very good and often quickly get transferred. However, there are plenty of Pokemon which are a bit more valuable, and are much harder to transfer. As you play, you collect more and more Pokemon. While it’s easy to transfer any Pokemon with low stats,… [Continue Reading]

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The 5 Best Vehicles in Just Cause 2

There aren’t a lot of reasons to use vehicles in Just Cause 2, and I’m the first to admit it. Slingshotting yourself with the parachute is faster, more maneuverable, and more efficient in 95% of situations. But this article is about the other 5%! There are some niche situations where Rico is better served buying or stealing a vehicle than going it on foot. Today, we’re discussing what those times are, and why! 1. The Chevalier Icebreaker This jingle-playing ice cream truck was released as free DLC, and buyable in-game for $25,000. This is the cheapest price on the black market,… [Continue Reading]

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Riolu Hatch Day – Unimpressive

On July 22nd, we had a new event. Called a Hatch Day, the idea is that a Pokemon with an increased shiny chance appears in 2km eggs, and all the eggs you can get are 2km eggs. Riolu Hatch Day was the first of this kind of event, and, well, it wasn’t great. During the middle of a heatwave in Europe and the middle of winter in the southern hemisphere, this was not the best time to be walking outside to hatch eggs. Luckily, I managed to find somewhere cool to walk, and spent most of the event in the… [Continue Reading]

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The Legend of Monkey Island – A Tall Tale – Part 1

The Legend of Monkey Island has just released in the Sea of Thieves, and it’s pretty damn cool. The release involves Melee Island and a Tall Tale that introduces you to the new island and its lore. What we have seen so far is a Part 1 of Monkey Island, with the release of a second and third Tall Tale coming along next month. Now, I’ll be honest, I don’t really know much about the original Monkey Island games, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it. Because I really did enjoy this tall tale. The first thing that stood… [Continue Reading]

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