Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing.
Normally, when you get a new season in Pokemon GO, there’s a shakeup when it comes to Pokemon spawns. You get different Pokemon spawning in the wild, both common and uncommon Pokemomn. However, between seasons 10 and 11, well, not much happened. Here are a bunch of Pokemon that I am sick and tired of seeing, despite being in different seasons.

When season 10 ended, I was hoping we’d see less Sandshrew. Sandshrew has been dicking around since before December 2022, in both its forms. Both Kanto and Galar Sandshrew have been spawning constantly. Whenever I use my daily incense, there’s almost always a Sandshrew among those 15 spawns, and it’s a common spawn in the wild. The Galar Sandshrew hasn’t been a wild spawn for a while, it went away after the winter season. However, Galarian Sandshrew is common both as a Steel type and an Ice type when fighting Team Rocket Grunts. Normal Kanto Sandshrew may not appear in Team Rocket fights, but it’s still a common spawn, despite being a common spawn for multiple seasons.
This ugly thing is still around, despite it being a spawn in both seasons 10 and 11. There’s not really much to say about it, aside from the fact that Patrat is ugly and its evolution is even uglier. Doesn’t even evolve into anything useful. I know it’s supposed to be like a meerkat or something, but it just sticks out like a sore thumb. And of course, it’s long outlived its welcome as a wild spawn.

I hate Pidove. It’s not a Pokemon. It’s a normal, boring pigeon. Its evolutions make no sense. And it has cold, dead eyes. Whenever the weather is windy (which is quite a lot here, at least before August comes), I start seeing tons of these guys. While they’ve calmed down in season 11, Pidove was EVERYWHERE during season 10.
Starly only just gets off lightly, simply because it looks more like an actual Pokemon, and better matches the common flying bird type that we get in every game. That being said, Starly is also outstaying its welcome too. At least Starly’s evolutions are common spawns too, and Staraptor is actually good.
Has there been a time that Bunnelby HASN’T been a common, wild spawn? Bunnelby has been floating around ever since it was released alongside a couple of starters like 2 years ago, and it STILL appears as a common spawn. Bunnelby just hasn’t gone away, ever. Even now, in season 11, it’s still spawning. It’s not a super common spawn the way Sandshew has been, but it’s still definitely there. Unlike Sandshrew though, Bunnelby just isn’t useful for anything. It’s just there to get in your way.

It doesn’t help that Bunnelby evolves into one of the ugliest Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Diggersby is an absolutely hideous design, and I absolutely hate it. It’s the same thing I have with Glameow, but at least Glameow looks good. Bunnelby just looks weird with its t-rex arms and weird ears. I suppose at least it has a nice shiny.
Hippopotas doesn’t spawn in the wild. However, it’s still a very common Pokemon. Why? Because it is a very common spawn in Team Rocket fights. It’s an annoying, pretty tanky Pokemon that doesn’t do very much. All it does is take the space of a more useful Pokemon, like Swinub. It’s also a really ugly Pokemon. While the evolution is cool, it too doesn’t do very much, and Mammoswine is far, far superior. Even as a ground type. Hippopotas also has a chance of spawning in the wild, but at least it’s uncommon.
So yeah, I’m sick of seeing these Pokemon over and over. There are so many Pokemon, why are we always stuck with the same ones? I guess we’ll never know…