Pokemon That Are Hard To Transfer
In Pokemon GO, you have rather limited storage space. A new player generally has enough space for 300 Pokemon and items. But there are a lot of Pokemon to collect. The default space allows for all of Gen 1 and Gen 2 to be collected, but most of the time, the Pokemon you pick up aren’t very good and often quickly get transferred. However, there are plenty of Pokemon which are a bit more valuable, and are much harder to transfer.
As you play, you collect more and more Pokemon. While it’s easy to transfer any Pokemon with low stats, it’s much harder to transfer 3* Pokemon. Some Pokemon are obvious to keep. Finding a 3* Larvitar for example, you’re obviously going to keep that. But is it worth kee[ing a 3* Pidgey though? Well, in this day and age, it actually might be worth keeping because Pidgey is fucking rare. But what about that 93% Ledyba you just got from a research task? Do you keep that? I’d say no, because there’s not really anywhere where you’d use it.

But even then, sometimes you want to keep 1*-2* Pokemon. Because, if you play PvP, then you want to have somewhat specific stats. Ideally, you want to have high defense and health and low attack. This is because a high attack stat means your Pokemon is a lower level, while a low attack stat means you can level your Pokemon higher and closer to CP1500 or CP2500. Then again, for Master League, you do want 3* and 4* Pokemon so you can have your Pokemon have as high a CP as possible.
Another common problem is transferring after Community Days. Do I really need 10 shiny Togetics? I used to say yes, but now I’m not so sure. It’s cool to have extra shinies that you can keep for Lucky Trades, but at the same time, most people will already have Community Day shinies. And how many do you even want to keep? Surely you want one or two evolved Pokemon, maybe a mid-stage evolution just because it looks cool and then a handful of non-evolved Pokemon. That’s what I tend to do, but I also don’t really get Lucky Trades that often.
And then you have extra unwanted Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. Mythical Pokemon are kinda guaranteed to be kept, but at the same time, you can have multiple Genesects and Darkrais, and are they worth keeping? Genesect in particular because it has five different forms depending on the colour of the disc on its back, and Darkrai is still a strong dark type. They’ve also only sporadically come back and are un-tradeable. Legendary Pokemon on the other hand are a tad easier to delete, unless they’ve got special moves. However, many people will hang on to Legendary Pokemon until you get a double-transfer-candy bonus, and delete the Legendary Pokemon for 2 candy instead of one.
At the end of the day, if you want to keep your Pokemon space nice and trim, then you HAVE to be ruthless when it comes to deleting Pokemon. Because, if you’re not ruthless, you’re going to end up spending a small fortune on Pokemon backpack space…