How the Psychic Spectacular event could have been more Spectacular
The Psychic Spectacular event comes by every year, generally after the Ultra Unlock events end. It’s an event that bridges the gap between the GO Fest rush and the October spooky events. However, this year’s Psychic Spectacular was rather boring. Here’s how it could have been better.

More psychic types
We did get a few psychic types but they’re all mostly old ones. While some people may need Exeggcute for the Meltan special research, most other Pokemon are somewhat recent or kinda spawn already. We already had a Slowpoke community day, Spoink is useless and a common grunt in Team Rocket fights and Gothita is an ugly Pokemon without a shiny yet. While yes, we did get shiny Solosis, the shiny isn’t particularly remarkable.
The only real winner here is Meditite, because Medicham is a super hot pick in the GBL. Medicham has no use in PvE, even with a Mega form. But in GBL, Medicham has not only a good typing but good moves as well. Being able to run spammy moves like Power Up Punch and Ice Punch, it’s a stupidly scary Pokemon in PvP, although only in Great League. And the Psychic Spectacular event has Meditites spawning everywhere.
Even the community day, which immediately follows the Psychic Spectacular event, isn’t psychic-based. If anything, the Grubbin Community Day is the complete antithesis of the Psychic Spectacular, since psychic types are weak to bug types. While it’s nice to get a new shiny, we could have had a psychic type here to go with the Community Day event.
At least the collection challenges gave out some Mega Candy. Although good luck finding Galarian Slowpoke, because that one was weirdly rare for me. Apparently Galarian Ponyta was supposed to spawn too, but I didn’t see a single one.
A psychic level 5 raid
While yes, we did get Mega Gardevoir in Mega Raids and the level 1 and 3 raids were okay, Genesect just didn’t fit in at all. Really, we should have gotten the king of psychics, Mewtwo, in our level 5 raids. Everyone likes Mewtwo and he is basically the best psychic type, so why not? We could have also had someone like Lugia, although we are getting a shadow Lugia event some time soon. What really would have been cool was a chance at maybe Cosmog or its evolutions, which are all psychic types.
But the bigger problem with raids is the tiny raid pool. The level 3 raids were all alright Pokemon, but raids in general were overtaken by shadow raids, and the current shadow raid bosses are all really boring, having been the same for a while. I’ve been keeping an eye on raids (due to the Master Ball research) and level 3 shadow raids are constantly taking the place of normal level 3 raids. Which is annoying, because I’d quite like another chance at Hisuian Braviary. Shadow raids needed to be turned off or reduced a bit for this event.
A better boost
The main boost in Psychic Spectacular is getting more xp on curveball throws. But the thing is, most people do curveball throws anyway. There was a time limited challenge but it was probably the easiest one ever, as you only needed to make 42 curveball throws. While it was nice to get some good chances at the new shiny, Solosis, it was also incredibly boring. That being said, I did manage to get a 100% Solosis from my very last encounter. Really, I think we should have brought back more experience for excellent throws or something like that. An actual challenge, rather than a small buff to what we do already.
That being said, ever since the x4 stardust and experience Ultra Unlocks, pretty much every other event buff pales in comparison.
But yeah, the Psychic Spectacular event was boring, But it was a good chance to restock on Pokeballs at least.