Wooper Community Day
Wooper is a cute Pokemon, and it was made even cuter when Pokemon Scarlet and Violet came out, as it got a regional form which was also very cute. So when it got a community day, I was excited to get not just one, but two cute, cool shinies. For this community day, we got not just normal Wooper, but we also got the release of Paldean Wooper, and its evolution Clodsire.
The bonuses for this event were 1/4 hatch distance and x2 candy on catching Pokemon. These didn’t feel that useful, mostly because Wooper has never been a rare Pokemon, and it also wasn’t in eggs. Also, since Wooper is only a 50 candy evolution, you only need 100 candy for both evolutions, and you kinda only need a handful of each. Because Quagsire and Clodsire are not Pokemon you want to use for PvE. However, they are valuable as PvP Pokemon.
What’s weird are the moves these Pokemon got. Quagsire got Aqua Tail, which I swear I thought it already had. Aqua Tail is a cheap, spammy move, which is good for getting rid of shields. Clodsire on the other hand got Megahorn. Which I personally don’t really get. I assume it’s a coverage move, because it’s bug type, but it’s also a bit of a nuke that takes a bit to charge. But if you want to use these Pokemon in PvP, their community day moves aren’t required. They’re good moves, but Quagsire has Mud Bomb, which does the same thing as Aqua Tail but slightly better, and Clodsire is better off with STAB moves. Both Pokemon are also very bulky, which is excellent in Great League. Outside of Great League though, these guys fall off. Even a level 50, 4* Quagsire only reaches 2252 CP, making it too low level for Ultra League.
What’s even weirder though is that the showcases for this event were NOT for Wooper. For some reason, they were for Squirtle. Apparently Niantic were having trouble with having different regional forms in showcases so they just decided to cancel the Wooper ones. What I don’t understand though is that we could have had Quagsire or Clodsire showcases instead. We’ve had showcases for evolutions before – for the Timburr community day, we had showcases for both Timburr and Conkledurr. But no, we got Squirtle instead, and I don’t have any XL Squirtles.

As for me, I somehow ended up with 24 shinies caught in 2 hours. My shiny luck was so good that the second Pokemon I tapped on after 2pm was a shiny. Weirdly, I caught more pink Woopers than purple Woopers, but the opposite was true on my little account. And my little account was quite lucky too, it caught 12 shinies. With so many shinies, I decided not to bother with the last hour. I really don’t need this many Woopers, but I am happy to have plenty to trade to my brother, who was unable to play this event because he caught a cold. I did manage to get rid of my 12km eggs as well, but I didn’t hatch anything interesting.
This was also my chance to evolve a 4* Wooper I’d been hanging on to for a while. The 4* is sadly not very useful (you want different IVs for PvP) but it was nice to finally evolve the little thing.
Overall, it wasn’t exactly an important community day, but Clodsire’s release will at least shake up the GBL Great League meta for a bit, and we did get both a regional, a new Pokemon and a new shiny out of it.