The Best Sea of Thieves Session in a Long Time
On Wednesday, I got a message, asking to play Sea of Thieves. The last few sessions we’d played, it had been on a sloop, either solo or with Bacxaber, and, thanks to a combination of bugs and the game’s awful hit registration, we hadn’t managed to get a lot done. However, with Fox as a third crew member and a change of ship scenery, we decided to just go out, be Reapers and do some world events. Nice and simple. Nothing fancy. After all, there’s a season to be completed, and the rewards for this season are pretty good.
For a change though, we decided to use my brig, Little Stormcloud. While Fox was hosting the game, because of the new Guilds feature, he could use any of the ships pledged to our guild, the Calcium Kings. I’ve pledged both my aforementioned brig and my sloop, the Daily SPUF, to the guild, so I can use either ship and make progress for the guild. Anyone else in the guild can also use my ships, and I still get progress towards ship milestones.
Anyway, we headed out pretty much straight away, since a Reaper Chest had spawned pretty close to the outpost we were at. Since we were playing as Reapers, the beam from the Reaper Chest wasn’t really that much of an issue. The plan was to go to a ghost fort before we started doing world events, just so we could stock up on supplies. Ghost forts have three barrels on them with 50 cannon balls each, and it’s a chance for some easy loot as well for our Reaper emissary. As we finished the fort though, we realized we forgot some crates back at the outpost, so we quickly raced back and grabbed those.
After that though, we weren’t really sure what to do, since the world event was another damn skeleton fleet. Thankfully, we were quickly attacked by another ship, which gave us something to do. The fight didn’t last long, even when the other ship tried to change their mind and run. We sank them pretty easily, and they donated quite a bit of treasure to us. Enough for us to reach rank 5. We were only just rank 3 before the fight, so this was a nice surprise. What was also a nice surprise was that a fort opened up. So we decided to go and do that as well.
The fort wasn’t too bad. In fact, we finished that quite quickly as well. As we went to sell though, we found a bunch of ritual skulls, so we decided to do a Fort of the Damned. After we sold our loot, we put down a quest for a Skull of Destiny, sailed to a random island and dug up a skull, then made our way to the Fort of the Damned.
Our first Fort of the Damned went quite smoothly. We used the skull of destiny to get all the coloured lanterns on our ship, then lit the lanterns up in Greymarrow’s quarters. Fort of the Damned has been made easier, and there’s only one colour of skeleton per wave. Once we killed Greymarrow, we opened up the fort and harpooned all the loot onto the ship. We needed to go back to the Reapers’ Hideout to sell, but someone was there waiting for us. A rank 1 Reaper, looking to steal our loot. As we approached though, they decided to run. And we decided to chase them. Because, after all, they had a flag for us to steal. The chase took us into the storm, and we were also followed by a sloop – the one who had donated so much loot from earlier. The Reapers conveniently crashed into a rock, allowing us to catch up to them. Peculiarly, the storm did something weird – it suddenly disappeared, giving us a nice, clear view of our enemies. Having gotten themselves stuck, the Reapers sank thanks to a barrage from our cannons, and the sloop from earlier quickly sank as well, donating even more loot.
With the area clear, we could finally sell our loot at the Reapers’ Hideout. Unfortunately though, we seemed to not get any money. We did however get both emissary standing, guild experience and season progress.
We were undeterred though, and we had more Ritual Skulls. So we went back to the Fort of the Damned for round 2. However, there was a ship waiting for us. We sank them as well, but as their ship disappeared below the waves, they swore that they were going to come back. And they did, as we were half way through round 2 of the Fort of the Damned. Not a problem, we left the fort unfinished, headed back down and sank them again. Then went back to the Fort of the Damned and finished it. The same ship came back as we made our way back to the Reaper’s Hideout. They lasted a bit longer the third time, but only because they had more supplies. Supplies we kindly took off their hands. As we went to do the Fort of the Damned for the third time, they came back a fourth time. But this time they sank very quickly, and had basically nothing on them. They didn’t come back after that.

The third Fort of the Damned went off without a hitch, so we decided to do a fourth. As we were about to start the fort however, we were attacked again! This time, we were attacked by someone with TTV in their name, so potentially a streamer. They played a bit better than the previous ships, and even managed to harpoon me off my ship! However I leaped into the water to escape their blunderbuss, and as they went to follow me with their eye of reach, I shot them, realized I had no ammo and charged them with my sword, killing them in the water. Their ship sank at the same time. They had no loot on them, but they had a grade 1 Guild Flag, which is the guild equivalent of an Emissary Flag. Extra money for us! Doubly so, because the broken money from earlier suddenly started pouring in, and the fight was filled with the sounds of gold appearing in our inventories.
It was starting to get late for me, so we decided to do the Fort for the last time. I decided to stay on our ship and keep lookout. As Fox and Bacxaber were just about to finish off Greymarrow, the guy with the guild flag came back, this time flag-less, wanting revenge. This time round though, they didn’t stand a chance, and they ended up scuttling themselves for some reason, knowing they couldn’t win. So, with the horizon finally clear, we went back to the fort, Bacxaber killed Greymarrow in like one hit and we finished the fort. For the last time, we went to the Reapers’ Hideout and sold.
Satisfied, we decided to finish up for the day. However, we sailed to the nearest outpost, because I wanted to repair my ship. It had taken quite a beating, and its formerly gold and green hull was full of white and grey marks from cannon ball fire. So we went to the nearest outpost, where we bought a ship restore, putting my ship back to normal.
In total, we made over 1 million gold, sold multiple Chests of Fortune and Chests of Legend AND we managed to get our guild to level 6. There was plenty of death too, and for a change, I managed to kill a bunch of people, including that TTV guy who harpooned me. Not only that, but I unlocked a TON of stuff for my ship, including multiple titles. I unlocked the Legendary Feared title in a single session, although I decided to just use The Feared, because it sounds a bit more coherent. Although I was completely exhausted, we had an absolutely awesome session. Can’t wait for the next one.