More Little Stormcloud Adventures

The Little Stormcloud doesn’t see that much action. Up until recently, my brig saw very little action, being barely painted and decorated. However, with Guilds in the Sea of Thieves, Little Stormcloud finally got a chance to get some use. I pledged her to my guild, the Calcium Kings, and she’s now available for use by everyone in the Calcium Kings guild. And, occasionally, we take her out on adventures.

I say “occasionally”, I mean twice. Her first proper excursion saw her unlock the majority of name plates, in a massive adventure that saw us make a fucking huge sum of money. While nothing can really beat that initial outing, Little Stormcloud’s second outing was quite a fun one.

We decided to do Athena’s Fortune-related things, in order to fill our Ledger. I’m still not max rank with Athena’s Fortune, despite having done over 50 Legends of the Veil. The problem is that Athena’s Fortune doesn’t accept much loot, mostly just a handful of purple-painted ornaments and skulls, as well as Chests of Legend and Reaper’s Bones emissary flags. These are all hard to come by as well, and the only reasonable way to farm lots of these is to, well, do Legends of the Veil. So that was our plan today.

Our first Legend of the Veil went by without anything really going on. We did get caught off guard when seven (yes, seven, I counted) ghost ships started pummeling us with cannon balls, forcing us to leave the final ghost fort, repair our ship and come back, but that was about it. We grabbed our loot and set off to sell. Rather than doing a second Veil though, Fox had a Gilded Legendary Voyage, which dumped 8 maps into our quest wheel. Four of them were based on one island, the rest were more scattered. Should we complete all of them, we’d be rewarded with a final map that would give us 3 Chests of Legend.

As we approached the second island we needed to visit though, there was already a sloop there. However, they had the Glitterbeard sails and seemed otherwise friendly. We blew up their keg and when they remained friendly, we helped them patch their ship up, while Fox went around completing the treasure map and riddles. Weirdly, we were getting a LOT of spawns. In the 10 minutes we were on that island, we were attacked by two waves of ghosts, multiple skeletons AND Ocean Crawlers. A bit much really.

We finished up the other maps and picked up our last, special map, leading to three Chests of Legend, located on Cannon Cove. Unfortunately, between us and said island, there was a Galleon with a reaper flag. We used the fog to go past them, and Bacxaber and I stayed on board, keeping an eye on the galleon while Fox did the digging. We were tempted to fight them, but decided to head to the next closest outpost to sell first, before engaging in combat.

Once we’d sold though, it was time to fight. The galleon had made its way over to a skeleton fleet near the Reapers’ Hideout, and we were on our way. As we raced over, we sailed past a sloop, which initially seemed to charge at us, only to unceremoniously charge straight into a rock and get itself stuck. We ignored them and went straight for the galleon, which was right in the middle of a battle between a skeleton galleon and a Megalodon.

As soon as we were in range, we fired most of our cursed cannonballs, while Bacxaber took down two of their sails with chainshot. He leaped off the boat to take on the crew, while Fox steered and I fired shots into the galleon’s lower deck, helping them flood more quickly. Unfortunately though, both the skeleton ship and the Meg decided to attack us, knocking Fox off the ship. I was left completely alone and had to bucket for my life as the Meg had bitten the ship and had done more damage than the Reaper Galleon and the skelly galleon combined. Amazingly, I managed to keep the ship afloat on my own, until Fox managed to climb back aboard. Even more amazingly, Bacxaber managed to take down the entire 4-man crew on the reaper ship on his own, just as it sank beneath the waves.

We only took the Reaper flag, since they didn’t have any other real loot.

With the Reapers out of the way, we decided to do the Skull of Siren Song quest. It had been available since the start of our session and no one had done it. So we quickly grabbed the chest and key, opened it up and took out the skull. Took forever to actually deliver it though since Rare increased the amount that the Skull of Siren Song slows down your ship – we were traveling at the same speed as a sloop, even with the wind fully in our sails. Luckily, we delivered the skull with no competition.

Finally, we decided to do one more Legend of the Veil mission. This one went even more smoothly than the first, and we finished it pretty damn quickly. As we headed to the nearest outpost, there was a Sloop parked at it, which we quickly destroyed. The ship was empty and abandoned, but it was in our way, so we got the satisfaction of watching the sloop sink.

We ended the day having made about half a million gold, and we got some good footage from the galleon fight. While I didn’t reach gold in the Athena’s Fortune Ledger, I did make good progress, considering we only did three voyages.

I finished this adventure with a small treat for my ship. I bought a couple of trinkets and some cannon flares for Little Stormcloud, so now, when I fire my cannons, I get a cool blast of golden yellow clouds. Neat.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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