Pokemon GO Events I’d Like To See

Pokemon GO has constant events, but honestly, after a few years, we haven’t really had any… new ones. A lot of the events we have are repeated every year. There’s events for popular holidays, we have the Ultra Unlocks in August, there’s always various fossil-based events in September and Halloween consists of extra candy and spooky Ghost types. However, I’d like to see more varied events. More interesting ones. So I’ve written down a few of my ideas.

Cats VS Dogs

I think I mentioned this in a previous article on this very subject, but I really do think a Cats VS Dogs event would be pretty cool. There are a lot of both types of Pokemon, so an event where you pick a side and earn bonuses and rewards based on the side you choose would be interesting. We’ve had forking paths in research before, so this isn’t anything new. When it comes to these Pokemon, there are actually quite a few cat and dog Pokemon to choose from, so the spawns would be pretty varied as well. We even have cat and dog Legendaries, the Legendary Beasts and Zacian and Zamazenta are all cat-like or dog-like,

A Rotom Event

A few years ago, we got Wash form Rotom. Since then, nothing. We don’t even have normal Rotom. But considering how Rotom has a ton of forms, it really should debut properly in its own event. I don’t know how Rotom could change forms, perhaps you need to make it your buddy and catch 10 Pokemon of a certain type to allow it to change, but something needs to be done. Rotom is an awesome Pokemon and it’s genuinely annoying that it’s been missing for so long.

Mythological Discoveries

I think everyone who’s played Pokemon GO has experienced the disappointment of doing a long, arduous quest, just to get a Mythical Pokemon with awful IVs. While I did luck out with Mew and Meltan, I have had awful luck since. The only vaguely good Mythical I got since was Shaymin with Grass-type Hidden Power, but that was swiftly made redundant by it being able to learn Magical Leaf later on. So an event where you can get Mythicals in either new special research or in raids would be interesting to see. At the very least, it’d be cool to be able to redo a mythical special research, for another roll of the dice.

All the Megas

Mega Pokemon have come a long way, but if you miss a Mega Pokemon, then you have to wait forever for it to come back. Mega Absol for example was missing for a year and a half! Sure, you can walk them for candy, but you need to Mega Evolve one first, and I’m sitting at 190/200 candy for my first Aggron Mega Evolution. To fix this, I’d like an event where all non-Legendary Mega Pokemon are shoved into 3-star raids and Rayquaza, the Latis and maybe Mewtwo are in 6-star raids, so we can all catch up on the ones we’re missing. There are quite a few Mega Pokemon, meaning you’d probably have to do such an event over 2 weeks, but still, give us the chance to finally get what we’re missing.

A Gym Event

Gyms these days are kinda mostly ignored. Sure, gyms are the ONLY free-to-play way of obtaining coins, but the whole system has been stale for years. You throw a Chansey or a Blissey in a gym, hope it stays there for 10 hours minimum, get your 50 coins a day and that’s pretty much it. While an event focused on gym battles would probably make it harder to get coins, if it was paired with some sort of gym revamp (maybe with more of a challenge than putting in your bulkiest Pokemon, or using a Machamp to take out an entire gym) then I think the competition would be quite interesting.

A proper Galar event

Annoyingly, most of the Galar Pokedex is unavailable. We had a brief event that released Galarian Pokemon that have versions from other regions, like Stunfisk and Ponyta, but the actual Galar Pokedex is pretty much empty. The bloody Paldean Pokedex has more entries currently! So a Galar event would be really good. At the very least, we could get the Galar starters and the local pseudolegendary, Dreepy, but a return of the cover Legendaries and maybe the addition of Eternatus would be fun as well. Especially since we’ve already had multiple events for Paldea and Hisui, which are both newer locations.

There are loads of different things you could do, but, frankly, we need more random event ideas, events that aren’t just rehashes from previous years…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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