Pokemon GO Events I’d Like To See

Pokemon GO has constant events, but honestly, after a few years, we haven’t really had any… new ones. A lot of the events we have are repeated every year. There’s events for popular holidays, we have the Ultra Unlocks in August, there’s always various fossil-based events in September and Halloween consists of extra candy and spooky Ghost types. However, I’d like to see more varied events. More interesting ones. So I’ve written down a few of my ideas. Cats VS Dogs I think I mentioned this in a previous article on this very subject, but I really do think a… [Continue Reading]

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Dreams of the Most Badass Game Ever

You ever get a dream that’s so awesome and badass that you wake up and think “HOLY FUCK I WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN?” Well that’s what I had the other night. To the point that I still vividly remember parts of it later on. It was a dream about the most badass game ever. And sadly, a game that will never exist, most likely due to licensing and copyrights. So, this dream was presented to me in the form of a comic convention and a magazine stand filled with copies of PC Gamer. Some sort of special edition magazine… [Continue Reading]

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