A Zorua-Themed Event Would Be Hilarious

Zorua took a while to come to Pokemon GO, but when it finally arrived, it came with a pretty nice gimmick. Rather than just appearing in the wild, Zorua spawns disguised as your buddy. It does this to the point that, if you are walking a shiny Pokemon, Zorua will appear in the wild as a shiny. And when you tap on it, if it’s a Best Buddy, it’ll also spawn with the Best Buddy badge. This gimmick can make Zorua really easy to spot if you’re walking a Legendary Pokemon, but if you’re walking something kinda normal, like an Eevee or something, it can be quite a good surprise.

Zorua disguised as Aggron with a Best Buddy badge - screenshot by aabicus
Zorua disguised as Aggron with a Best Buddy badge – screenshot by aabicus

Some Zorua are easier to spot than others. Aabicus normally walks pretty normal Pokemon, like Rattata and Aggron, which can already spawn in the wild. On the other hand, I’m normally walking something stupid, like a shiny Kyogre. Legendary Pokemon are really, really easy to spot because, outside of the Spirits of the Lake (and very rarely in events like the Johto Tour), Legendary Pokemon never spawn in the wild. Walking a shiny Pokemon as a buddy is also completely obvious because normal shiny Pokemon never actually appear as shiny until you’ve tapped on them. Another easy way to spot a Zorua is that they are almost always HUGE or TINY, because Zorua itself is a small Pokemon and its weight is never the same as the Pokemon it’s disguised as. For example, A Zekrom can weigh 300kg, but Zorua will never reach that weight, so any Zorua disguised as a Zekrom will always appear as an XXS Pokemon. It isn’t guaranteed to be XXS when caught, but it’ll always appear as such.

Funnily enough, Zorua will even mimic Mega Evolutions and Primal Reversion – I once caught a Zorua disguised as a shiny Primal Kyogre, with the black markings and everything.

A Zorua disguised as a shiny Kyogre
A Zorua disguised as a shiny Kyogre, next to a buddy Kyogre

The thing is though, even though Zorua has a shiny now, every event we’ve had with Zorua has had it as a rare spawn. Which kinda sucks. On top of that, it also always gets paired with Ditto, which always steals the spotlight and is always more common. But I want to see a Zorua event where Zorua is the most common spawn. Because it’d be hilarious. Especially if it only appears as a disguised Pokemon.

Why do I want this? Well, while I do want a better chance at finding a shiny Zorua (which is rare as fuck), I just think it’d be a lot of fun. Mostly because I want to see screenshots of people with things like Kyogre and Wailord as their buddies, and seeing their screens absolutely filled with stupidly large Pokemon.

What Pokemon would be the best buddy to use though? While I did mention Kyogre, Kyogre is actually kinda hard to throw Pokeballs at. I think the funniest Pokemon to have as a buddy would be something big, shiny, easy to get excellent throws on and a Legendary, like Lugia or Ho-oh. And if you just want to catch normal Zorua? Just make Zorua as your buddy and skip the whole disguised Pokemon gimmick.

Heck, I’d take a Zorua Spotlight Hour at this rate. It’d be awesome. And it would confuse the fuck out of anyone who isn’t aware of such an event. At the very least, it would look cool. And stupid. Depending on what your buddy currently is. Because a Zorua spotlight hour would suck if you were walking a Pikachu or something…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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