Bloodline Ended

While the Retvik of the MK4 Phoviverse was always a well-known and respected hero of the Rethavok, the MK5 Retvik kinda had some political difficulties. For some rather admittedly stupid reasons, MK5 Retvik was an exile, an unwanted being. Well, today, that all changes.

Read the original story here.

Retvik checked the map, then looked up at the building in front of him, then checked the map again. The map said he was in the correct place. The presence of members of the 47th Legion suggested he wasn’t. This bothered Retvik greatly, because the 47th Legion, dressed up in black, red and gold, was the Legion of the current High General, and Retvik’s sibling. However, there were three other Legions present too – a black-armoured Legion of Below Twenty soldiers (it could have been any Legion, or a mixture of them), a handful of soldiers in completely gold armour from the 100th Legion and two colossal Rethans standing by the entrance, in specially made crystal-like armour.

The sudden appearance of Kuta, abruptly appearing next to Retvik via a nearby shadow, didn’t make Retvik feel any better.

“Uh, Kuta, what is going on?”

Kuta smiled. “I will be blunt, dear, I lied to you. We are not meeting for a nice meal. Come along now!”

Retvik allowed Kuta to drag him towards and into the building. There were 47th Legion and Below Twenty soldiers everywhere. This bothered Retvik greatly. His heart was racing. He was almost as scared as he had been when he escaped Sini’s Torture Labs at the beginning of the year, and there, Retvik had been caught in a clash between deities. However, as Retvik heard a whisper echo in his head, a telepathic message to remain calm, and as they approached a large event hall, Retvik began to piece together what was happening. Everyone was here for a reason. They were here for him.

“Retvik Rethianos!” a powerful, booming voice filled the room. Standing in the room’s centre was the High General themselves, flanked by the Master of Generals, the High Advisor, and several Below Twenty Generals. Kuta made their way over to the other Generals and stood to attention. On the end of the line of powerful Rethans though was someone else. A final, utterly colossal General. The Keeper. “Welcome home. Today, you are a true Rethan once more.”

Kuta nudged Retvik forward, heavily suggesting that he go forth and greet his sibling. Rethais had their arms open wide and stepped forward to greet Retvik.

“It is good to see you again, dear sibling!” Rethais smiled.

“It is an honour to see you, High General.” Retvik lowered himself down, kneeling on one knee. He hadn’t seen Rethais in 34 years, but Rethais still seemed as imposing as ever, despite being almost identical to Retvik. However, Rethais’s red plating was slightly darker, and their black and red General’s armour made them scarier than they were. Over the years though, Retvik had become more chiselled and muscular, due to his career as a gladiator. Rethais however immediately lifted Retvik back to his feet.

“Today, the honour is in fact ours.”

Rethais glanced over their shoulder, then nodded to the High Advisor, their sibling Relkir. Relkir awkwardly made their way forward, handed Rethais a scroll, then stood next to Retvik.

“Hello, Relkir…” Retvik muttered.

“Hello, Retvik…” Relkir muttered back, as Rethais fiddled around with the seal on the scroll. “Thank you.”

“Yes, thank you indeed, Retvik!” Rethais went back to smiling as they finally opened the scroll and started reading from it. “My dear siblings, after much discussion and deliberation, we have come to the decision to end the Rethianos Bloodline Tradition. From this day forth, all current and future members of the Rethianos Bloodline will have the freedom to live their lives as they please, free from the horrific restrictions our Tradition incurred. I, Rethais Rethianos, am no longer Bearer of the Family. Relkir Rethianos, Retvik Rethianos, you are no longer Honour-held, and are free to forge your own paths. Today, we three, Relkir, Rethais and Retvik Rethianos, stand as normal-blooded Rethavok, no longer bound by our Tradition.”

Retvik blinked, then immediately bowed again. “High General Rethais, I… I thank you…”

Relkir bowed as well, muttered another thank you, then returned to their original position, wiping a tear from their eye.

“Thank you too, Retvik…” Rethais paused, then glanced behind them again. This time, Kuta stepped forward, handed Rethais a new scroll, then made their way back, smiling a little too much. Rethais opened the new scroll much more quickly. “As well as ending the Rethianos Bloodline Tradition, we have also reviewed your status as an Exile. According to our newly implemented laws, you have been deemed safe and worthy of repatriation. As of today, Retvik Rethianos, you are once again a true Rethavok, allowed to walk among your kind once more, granted all the rights and responsibilities as a Citizen of the Retha and a Soldier of the Stratos. Retvik, do you swear allegiance to the Rethavok and your High General?”

“Yes! I swear my eternal allegiance and loyalty to the Rethavok and to you!”

Rethais smiled once more and patted Retvik on the shoulder. “I accept your allegiance and your loyalty. Welcome home. However, we have… one more ceremony for you.”

Rather worryingly, it was Rethais who stepped back this time. Both the Master of Generals and the Keeper approached, both of them towering over Retvik. General Vaksavar, someone Retvik had met before, stood at 3m tall and was covered in pure gold armour. The Keeper, a wall of armour and muscle going by the name Gath Tsoriou, was somehow even taller, with pitch black skin, cream and brown plating and grey military armour on top of that. However, small lines of crystals ran along much of the Keeper’s armour. They were the General of the 1000th Legion, the Legion of Rethan Heroes.

Before either of them spoke though, Retvik noticed that the Keeper wasn’t looking at him. Something brushed up against Retvik’s leg, and he glanced down to see what it was.

“What… is that?” the Keeper asked as they pointed at the black, furry creature by Retvik’s feet.

“Uh… it is a fluffy kitty…” Retvik explained, not sure how it had gotten there. “They are common here on Portalia.”

The Keeper hesitated, then reached forward and very gently picked the fluffy kitty up. It remained exceptionally calm, even as the Keeper began to stroke it in their massive hands. The Master of Generals also gently pet the fluffy kitty, almost as hypnotized by its presence as the Keeper was.

“I like this fluffy kitty. I desire to protect it with my life. May I keep it?”

The fluffy kitty was staring at Retvik, as if it was demanding assistance, but also somewhat enjoying the petting. “Um, they are considered sacred to the Ksithans, you would… be better off asking at a local animal shelter.”

The Keeper frowned, then put the fluffy kitty down. It scampered off, disappearing into a corner somewhere. With that distraction out of the way, the Keeper and the Master of Generals shook their heads and turned their attention to Retvik proper. General Vaksavar drew a long, golden blade, forced Retvik onto one knee and placed the sword on Retvik’s shoulder.

“Retvik Rethianos, I, General Vaksavar Ethranios, hereby induct you into the 1000th Legion, the Legion of Rethan Heroes. In joining this Legion, you swear servitude and loyalty to your General, Gath Tsoriou, and will always answer their call, as they are now your superior officer. Am I clear?”

“Yes, General…” Retvik lowered his head, utterly blinded by all that was going on. “I swear loyalty to the 1000th Legion.”

General Vaksavar nodded, then removed his blade and turned to the Keeper. “General Gath Tsoriou, do you accept Retvik Rethianos as one of your soldiers?”

“I do. Welcome, Retvik.”

“Thank you, General Gath. I am honoured.”

Retvik bowed his head and tried to get up, but the Keeper didn’t allow him to. Much to Retvik’s (now constant) surprise, the Keeper removed the massive gunstaff from their back, tapped it against each of Retvik’s shoulders, then put the weapon away. They then removed a silver band from their belt, which they wrapped around Retvik’s upper left arm, on top of his armour.

“Retvik Rethianos, I promote you to the rank of Captain of the 1000th Legion.” The Keeper lifted Retvik to his feet and patted him on the shoulder. “I think it is… fitting, that a Rethan that fought alongside the Four Themselves finally be recognized, yes?”

“I… I…” Retvik was too stunned to work out what to say. “I… I am honoured… This… is a lot to take in. Everything… I ever wanted, I guess…”

Another shoulder pat nearly knocked Retvik over. “As is deserved! Continue as you are, Retvik. You have consistently proved yourself to be the best of the best. Remain true, remain proud, and heed my call should I beckon you. Now go. Leave this place and forge new paths, remind the universe of your heroism.”

Retvik bowed again, and slowly backed away. Two 47th Legion soldiers and two 100th Legion soldiers led Retvik out of the room and dumped him somewhat unceremoniously outside the building. Retvik remained there for a little too long, staring blankly ahead, utterly dumbfounded and stunned by everything that had just happened.

Eventually, someone spoke to him.

“Well, I think that went pretty well!” Kuta beamed, putting an arm around Retvik. “I apologize for the suddenness and the awkwardness, but the High General wanted to surprise you. After all, you allowed them to rise to power in the first place via your sacrifice!”

“I… I guess…” Retvik hadn’t settled down yet. His heart was still racing. “This has all been… insane. Utterly insane.”

“Indeed. So, captain, it is still early, do you want to go out for lunch, for real this time? I do think there is a genuinely nice place nearby we can go to. We ought to celebrate, after all.”

Retvik blinked, then smiled as he took Kuta by the hand. “Yes, I would, actually. That would be lovely…”


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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