TennoLive 2024 Randomness
So I was going to write a big old thing about TennoLive 2024. Frankly, I’m kinda still trying to process it. Because, the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. It’s 2am as I’m writing this, I just got off a Discord call with some Fortuna 69 friends, I just left the abandoned Warframe 1999 mall relay, I’m confused as fuck.
I also kinda… don’t want to spoil anything? Because, like, I think TennoLive 2024 is something best watched for yourself. Explaining it is hard. There’s people with Warframe bodies but normal human heads and military gear on top of that. We get six initial ‘protoframes’: Arthur (Excalibur), Aoi (Mag), Amir (Volt), Letty (Trinity), Eleanor (Nyx) and Quincy (Cyte-09, a new Warframe). They’re people with personalities. And there’s the Infestation, except it’s called Techrot and it’s kinda spread via both technology and a fucking pop boy band. The team seems pretty fun. Of course, Arthur is the leader and Letty is the healer. Eleanor seems to have telepathy and future-seeing powers.

Oh and there’s some sort of time travel.
Like, really fucky time travel.
Like, this sort of time travel.

Like, the Techrot infestation thingy just… spits out an Excalibur. Literally out of some horrible, Helminth-like maw. It’s pretty gross, to be honest. I’m wondering if that is how we do time travel in Warframe, via the Infestation.
I suppose at least Protovolt is a thing, and Amir, Volt’s 1999 counterpart, seems like an alright guy. Weirdly, he’s both a bit of a nerd, a bit of a jokey speedster AND a bit of a doofus. I’m kinda sad that Amir isn’t super ultra hot like all the other Protoframes though. Oh, he’s cute. And I’m 100% going to romance him in the stupid dating sim mini-game that we seem to be getting alongside Warframe 1999… Although maybe not, if it’s Arthur we’re going to be controlling. Arthur and Amir don’t seem like they’d be that compatible, and from what I’ve seen of the abandoned mall relay, I think Quincy hates Amir. Actually, Quincy seems to have beef with everyone and just seems to be a dick in general. Either way, kinda sad that Protovolt isn’t as amazingly sexy as everyone else is. That being said, Amir is a huge nerd who uses his speed powers to play multiple arcade games at once, so I appreciate that.

As for everything else? Well, it’s all weird. It seems like there’s going to be a way to switch between original Warframes and Protoframes, at least for these 6 characters, plus more Warframes coming soon. Fingers crossed the next set of Warframes are the likes of Ash and Loki, early Warframes, and not just popular ones like Wisp and Mesa.
Other things that were confirmed in TennoLive were a small cinematic quest featuring the Lotus, coming in August 2024, as well as small reworks for Nyx and Trinity, a massive rework and a deluxe skin for Caliban, the release of the Ember Heirloom skin, the reveal of the Rhino Heirloom skin coming next year, Sevagoth Prime coming alongside the Lotus quest and a QOL update coming in autumn. What worries me is that the order of release for Heirloom skins suggests that they are following Prime releases – Frost and Mag were first, followed by Ember, and now Rhino – this means I’ll be waiting a loooooooooooong time for a Volt Heirloom skin, but it DOES mean that Loki will hopefully get an awesome skin after Rhino.
We’re also getting Infested Liches. That are based on the aforementioned pop boy band. I have no idea how that is going to work. But it may involve Railjack, which looks fun. It’s always good to see Cephalon Cy again.
Oh, and it turns out that Half-Life is cannon in the Warframe universe. At the very least, in this Warframe 1999 parallel version of Earth, where things aren’t quite the same, it turns out that Half-Life IS the same. In the abandoned mall, you can find cardboard cut-outs of Gordon Freeman, as well as a Half-Life poster in one of the computer rooms.

Technically, this also means that Team Fortress Classic is canon in the Warframe universe. TFC was released in April 1999. Warframe 1999 is set in December 1999 and is a Y2K parody. If Half-Life exists, that means that TFC probably existed too.
So yeah, that was TennoLive. It was fun. I enjoyed it. But I can’t think too hard about it. It hurts my head.