Popplio Community Day
As much as I think the Popplio line is ugly, I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. You see, about a year ago, I actually managed to hatch a hundo. And that hundo has been sitting there, waiting to be evolved, for fucking ages. In fact, today, during the Popplio Community Day, I evolved a Brionne into a Primarina for the first time. Sure, I need to power her up, but still, I finally got a Primarina.

It’s always worth waiting for starter Pokemon Community Days. Very few starter Pokemon are fine without their Community Day moves, the only exception currently is Skeledirge, but mostly because it is bulky as fuck and that makes it good for PvP. But the Community Day moves (Hydro Cannon, Blast Burn and Frenzy Plant) are always a massive boost to starter Pokemon, and Popplio Community Day was guaranteed to happen eventually.
Overall, Primarina is actually a Pokemon you want. With Waterfall and Hydro Cannon at your disposal, Primarina is tied with Greninja when it comes to stater Pokemon, and its Fairy secondary typing is pretty nice since it doesn’t add many major weaknesses – sure, water/dark doesn’t add a huge amount of weaknesses either, but a LOT of Pokemon get Close Combat or similar. Primarina as a slightly lower attack stat, but is bulkier than Greninja so just about edges it out. Yes, Kyogre is better (although only just if you use Surf, which got nerfed), but Primarina is a lot easier to power up and give a second move to, costing only 10k stardust and 25 candy.
Speaking of second moves, Primarina looks to be amazing in PvP. Both Waterfall and Charm (yes, this bitch learns Charm) are menaces in PvP, and while Psychic is a kinda useless move, Primarina has Moonblast for a fairy nuke and Disarming Voice for a fairy bait move, and Hydro Cannon is a very reliable, high damage water move. Again, Primarina’s typing is really good, and anyone who’s played Great League knows that fellow Water/Fairy Azumaril is basically evil. However, Primarina is pretty unique in that you can use it in all three leagues! Okay, sure, you need a Primarina for each league, but up until now, Azumaril has never had the CP for anything higher than Great League, and Primarina can fill that role in Ultra and Master League, while also still doing pretty okay in Great League. It’ll be even better when moves like Steel Wing and Counter are getting nerfed in the next season.
As for me? Well, aside from the hundo I’ve been holding on to, well, uuh… It was a bumpy Community Day. I went to the mall with my brother to do other things, and my plan was mostly just to catch until I got three shinies. It took me 1 hour 45 minutes to do that. Afterwards, I put my phone away, then picked it up again for the last half an hour. I caught 4 shinies in that half an hour, as well as an XL, and XXS and a level 30 96%, which I evolved immediately. I got two catch-three-popplio researches but both gave me 2* Pokemon, and I caught nothing good in that first hour and 45.
The double candy and triple XP were nice, but damn, SO MANY of these bitches jumped after I threw the ball. And Popplio’s jump animation is doubly awkward because the hitbox doesn’t match the aiming circle or the Pokemon, so often you’ll hit the bottom of a Popplio after it jumps and your Pokeball just bounces off and rolls away. Starters are always extra hard to catch, and I am glad I stocked up in advance. I used a Primal Kyogre to get extra candy, but only got about 180 XL Candy – I had only about 50 to start off with and the level 2 Mega Boost is shit compared to the level 3 Mega Boost.
Still, I evolved my Hundo, I got a nice shiny for Great League PvP and I got plenty of candy. Sure, I already have an army of Kyogres, but Primarina is a nice backup for then they die.