I Actually Like Dynamax Stuff… Mostly

With the Max Out ‘season of Galar’ season, a new gimmick has been added to Pokemon GO: Dynamax Battles. Basically, they’re like normal raids, where you fight against a larger than normal Pokemon. But this time round, the raid boss is absolutely huge and, after a little effort, YOU can become absolutely huge too. The main difference is that Dynamax Pokemon are very tanky, you only have a team of 3 Pokemon and you do the most damage by Dynamaxing yourself. You do this by slowly filling up a bar (and occasionally swiping left or right to collect power ups)… [Continue Reading]

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Have A Banana

Editor’s note: The article you are about to read was originally written by my mum, the person who inspired me to write all those years ago. Today would have been her birthday, so, to celebrate, we are publishing this article, originally written in 2008-ish. Mum was the best person in the entire world, and it pains me that she is no longer with us. I hope you enjoy this snippet of my mum’s insanity. Up the apples and pairs, how’s your father, love a duck etc. Anyone who has experienced the delights of actually speaking to me will probably have… [Continue Reading]

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Falinks Raid Day and Some Raid Weirdness

There’s something fucky going on with raids right now. The raid bosses are broken. I noticed this first when doing a Lucario raid (need that XL Candy!) and I noticed that the raid boss was doing charge attacks way more often than normal. Later on, I was invited to a Kyogre raid and I realized something was very, very wrong. It basically did Blizzard after Blizzard after Blizzard. In fact, the Kyogre was doing Blizzard charge attacks as fast or faster than my own Pokemon were. Thankfully, there were 17 people in this raid and the Kyogre still died (and… [Continue Reading]

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