I Like Disruption Now

Alright, so I never liked Disruption as a game mode. I found it annoying and tedious and I never enjoyed it, despite Disruption being one of the fairer game modes out there. And with Disruption being the main focus of the Dante Unbound update, I kinda wasn’t looking forward to playing it and grinding forever to get Dante. Luckily, some changes were made to make things easier. Now, Disruption is pretty simple. It’s described as “defending some conduits to get rewards” but it’s way, way faster than mobile defense. You kill a bunch of enemies until one of them drops… [Continue Reading]

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The Brand New Disruption Game Mode

Disruption is a new game mode that was added alongside the rest of the Jupiter facelift update, combining the new tilesets, Alad V, the Sentients, the Corpus and Amalgams all in one place. It’s an endless game mode which scales worryingly fast and has a strange reward tier system. It’s also very dimly lit, unlike many other Jupiter tile sets. The premise is simple. You kill enemies, find conduit keys and shove them into corresponding terminals. You have to defend the terminals. But as each one is activated, Alad V will release a Demolyst, a strong, ability-resisting hulking red Amalgam.… [Continue Reading]

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