The Missing Split – Manipulated Conversation

The names of Decay Lord Trios are generally deterministic. Those given by the Overlord tend to influence the future of a Trio, to the point that overcoming the potential implications of a name can be impossible. Clearly, a Decay Lord Trio dubbed ‘The Missing’ are bound to struggle against their almost predetermined fate. Unfortunately, it seems the multiverse is conspiring against them. Welcome to one of the… more depressing story arcs I’ve written. A story of rash decisions and broken emotions. Read the original post here. Sini peered into the tiny bedroom where Arkay was sleeping. He’d been hard at… [Continue Reading]

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Bloodline Ended

While the Retvik of the MK4 Phoviverse was always a well-known and respected hero of the Rethavok, the MK5 Retvik kinda had some political difficulties. For some rather admittedly stupid reasons, MK5 Retvik was an exile, an unwanted being. Well, today, that all changes. Read the original story here. Retvik checked the map, then looked up at the building in front of him, then checked the map again. The map said he was in the correct place. The presence of members of the 47th Legion suggested he wasn’t. This bothered Retvik greatly, because the 47th Legion, dressed up in black,… [Continue Reading]

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Named Trios – An Ancient Decay Lord Tradition

In the Periuniversal Void, most beings belong to one of several categories: Life Goddesses, Voidborns and Time Drakes make up most of the living space, but many beings are just creatures without universes to live in. Many of these unhomed beings are called Decayons, and the Decay Lord society, run by a being called Deathven, is the only place they can turn to. One tradition among Decay Lords is the Named Trio, a common theme within my writing in the Phoviverse. Today, let’s have a bit of a lore dump on what Named Trios are, and let’s have a look… [Continue Reading]

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Revenge Unfulfilled

In the way the Phoviverse is written, technically, previous versions are still somewhat canon. Major events within previous MKs still happen in some way, although the names and details may have been altered or erased by the passing of history and the meddling of Time Drakes, the divine beings that govern the flow of Time within the Phoviverse. Today’s story isn’t set in the current Phoviverse MK5 era. It’s set in a long, distant past, all the way back in MK3, tying up a single string that I never really got around to dealing with. A vague, twisted answer to… [Continue Reading]

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Xeno Dessaron One VS Temthans of Anarchy

Hey, remember that week where I posted fiction from the Phoviverse? You know, that silly story arc of four adventurers, dubbed Xeno Dessaron One, killed some big, scary monsters? Well, these guys are normally gladiators, and, in the Phoviverse, they just got their first proper match in ages. Let’s see how it goes. Finally, after weeks of nothing, someone had finally stepped up to challenge Xeno Dessaron One. The problem was, the team that had stepped up was the Temthans of Anarchy, demanding a rematch. They were the team Xeno Dessaron One managed to beat just before the Whenvern crashed… [Continue Reading]

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