Welcome to Kolasi – Jungle Clearing

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. “Alright, here are your health metres, here’s where the trail starts, you guys got a tracker on your GPS to lead you back here, have fun!” The team of Lanex and Temthan researchers had very quickly driven off, leaving Xeno… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – An Attempt At Relaxation

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. Xeno Dessaron One were supposed to be having a relaxing day before they set off into the treacherous jungles of Kolasi, but Retvik was struggling with that simple request. While Nyssi was sunbathing by the pool, Tenuk was getting a… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Twisted Palms

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. Kolasi, despite its name referring to a place of fire and brimstone, was only really slightly better than a non-existent afterlife. It was an abandon-world, meaning that most of the jungle-laced planet was free from civilization, and the megafauna was… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Planning A Trip

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. The Great Dessaron Battle Arena was the main form of entertainment for the twelve intelligent races of this small, cozy universe, where people would watch, either in person or on live streams, gladiators fight against each other, with real blood… [Continue Reading]

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A Fancy Yellow Invitation

Rakk Stugg grunted as he slammed his fist into the ever-growing pile of smashed alarm clocks. Much to his annoyance though, the beeping was still playing. After smashing his armoured gauntlet into the crunchy heap a couple more times, Rakk realized that, just maybe, the beeping sound was coming from somewhere else in the small, cramped crewship. Pulling himself out of his old, shitty sleeping pod, Rakk inspected the room, making sure everything was in its old, crappy place. The old Grineer pipes, the rusty wall panels, the clunky, anti-degeneration equipment, it all reminded him of the old days. Before… [Continue Reading]

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A Bunch of Lovely Electric Warframes

Volt couldn’t remember how he got there. He wasn’t actually sure where ‘there’ was. Either way, it was a very tight space, with only just enough room for him to stand up straight. What bothered Volt more though were all the needles sticking out of his metallic Warframe flesh. Every few seconds, a tingling sensation would run up his body then drain away, as if the needles were… sucking electricity out of him? Volt wasn’t sure. The last thing Volt could remember was being attacked by a literal ton of… No, they weren’t Zanuka Hunters. If they were, they had… [Continue Reading]

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