How Cheap is an Oxium Osprey to Make?

The Oxium Osprey is a curious little robot. Most Corpus robotics will simply shoot at invading Tenno. However, the Oxium Osprey has a different choice of combat. While it does have a small laser turret, Oxium Ospreys stop using them as soon as they take damage to their shields. Once damaged, an Oxium Osprey will charge at you and then explode, killing itself in the process. If you kill the Oxium Osprey before it explodes, you can take its Oxium for yourself. If it self-destructs manually, the Oxium disappears. What is Oxium though? Oxium is a lighter-than-air alloy. It’s a… [Continue Reading]

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On Building and IKEAframe

IKEAframe is the joke name given to creating things inside your ship or in clan dojos in Warframe. For a game built around creepy bio-mechanical space ninjas roaming the solar system killing armies of evil clones and profit-driven madmen, there’s actually a lot of effort that has been put into making your own custom spaces. It wasn’t until this year though that we got better decorating tools. It used to be that you could only place things while in your Warframe, being unable to move the camera any way your Warframe couldn’t. This meant that building things on top of… [Continue Reading]

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