The Little Gap Between Events

As of writing, there is no event going on in Pokemon GO. The Festival of Colours event has ended, and we’re getting a Team Rocket-based event coming next week. Because there is no event going on, we get basic seasonal spawns. Pokemon that spawn naturally in the wild, based on whatever season we’re in. By ‘season’, I don’t mean normal, in-real-life seasons, I mean the ones in Pokemon GO. They do kinda sorta co-exist with real seasons, but the seasonal spawns aren’t always related to winter or spring or whatever. The current season is Rising Heroes, and we’re expecting more… [Continue Reading]

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The New Winter Setting is Really Nice in Pokemon GO

While all the events and weird ticketed research is going on, there’s one thing that’s somewhat slipped under the radar, despite being obvious. The recent art for Pokemon GO has been really nice. We have a sweet loading screen with a happy Spheal and everything is slightly icy, with piles of snow on the world map and festive Christmas trees on the catch screen. It actually feels somewhat wintery. Like a proper seasonal change. This leads me to one question. Can we have actual seasons please? This year, we’ve actually already seen a few graphic upgrades, such as the changing… [Continue Reading]

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