Hyped up for the Plains of Eidolon
Digital Extremes, the developers of Warframe, blew the entire community’s minds when they revealed the Plains of Eidolon at Tennocon 2017. Everyone was sitting there expecting an Excalibur Umbra reveal and it turned out that Umbra was just a little thing tacked on to something amazing. A quest that’s supposedly coming after this amazing thing. A thing that I kinda didn’t really write much about, since the gameplay video really said it all, but since time’s passed and we’ve got some new details, it’s worth looking back and getting a little hyped about.

The Plains of Eidolon have been advertised as a 3km by 3km area located on Earth, a much more seamless, open world experience, with a day and night cycle, ground and aerial combat and massive boss battles after the sun has set, all while retaining the four player coop style that Warframe normally contains. There’s so much coming alongside the Plains of Eidolon that it’s hard to not get a hint of excitement in one’s stomach.
In fact, there’s something for everyone. The new open world area, Cetus, has so much promised content that I have no idea how they’re managing all of this.
Seriously, let’s make a quick list of things that the Plains of Eidolon will/might be bringing:
- A new open world landscape
- A new ‘relay’ and hub to access the new open world – Cetus
- Seamless travel from the safe zone into combat areas
- A day and night cycle
- Massive night time boss battles
- Seamless switching between walking around and Archwing
- Mining for resources
- Fishing for resources
- Build your own custom melee weapons
- New shops available to buy and trade things
- New enemies
- New NPCs
- New missions
- Using normal weapons with Archwing
- Lots of Grineer to kill
This is almost like a whole new game inside of and based on Warframe. Like one of those massive DLCs for a triple-A game that normally costs $20 or more. All this, for a free to play game, freely available for all players. Okay yeah there will be the same old pay-to-get-things-early thing that Warframe has (I’m almost certain you’ll be able to buy custom weapon parts for platinum), but if the rest of the game is anything to go by, this should be accessible to everyone.
And you’ll be able to run around with up to three other players, or just run around on your own.
All this, supposedly coming out sometime this year, sometime in 2017.
But with so much going on, how much of it will go… wrong? It’s not like Digital Extremes are that amazing. Their hearts are in the right place but… things happen…
Nah, let’s not go there. Not yet. Normally I’d say “yes, be skeptical”, especially when it comes to pre-ordering games and buying DLCs, but here, there’s far less to lose. Even if the Plains of Eidolon turns out to be bad, the base game will still be there. You’ll still be able to go and do all your normal Warframe things.

As for me, I am totally hyped. I mean, I have my doubts that the Plains of Eidolon will have a smooth launch – after all, nothing ever does – but this is combining two of my favourite things, space ninjas and a massive space where I can mess around and kill things.
It’s my two favourite things combined into one. How can I NOT be excited?