Returning to One’s (Electric) Roots

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally reached the point that many older Warframe players are at, with a nice armory of weapons, a nice collection of companions, a maxed out Focus school, a cool-looking Space Kid and a wardrobe of Warframes ready to be taken on any mission. Well, almost. But sitting in the back of said wardrobe is an often forgotten little friend. My original starter Warframe, Volt. I never sold Volt, I could never bring myself to do it. He’d put up with me flailing all over the place, falling down pits and running into walls… [Continue Reading]

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Volt, Mercy and Handsome Jack go to Cyprus Comic Con 2017

It’s Comic Con time! Yep, old Medic here is going out into the real world for a change, getting some sun on her face and potentially even socializing with other people. How silly is that? Well, not very because I did this last year, while dressed up as the Pyro. Oh and I did it back in 2015 as well, where I dressed up as a female version of Malzahar from League of Legends. Unlike most articles, I’ll be updating this one as I go along, so check back every so often and perhaps maybe I’ll have some cool news,… [Continue Reading]

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