TWO THOUSAND FUCKING ARTICLES! Oh and there’s prizes and stuff.
What’s that? 2000 articles? Is this real? Is it a fantasy? No, it’s definitely real. It’s 100% real. We’ve hit 2000 articles!
But first off, let’s spend a moment thinking just how awesome we are, having published over 2000 articles on the Daily SPUF, one a day since our inception. And on top of that, some of these articles were written by people like you, dear reader! In fact, you could become a person who writes articles, as laid out on this page.
So yeah, that’s awesome. And you’re awesome. We’re all awesome.
You’re here for the contest though. Because I’m hosting a contest. A picture contest! Because that’s easier than a writing contest. There’s a giveaway somewhere too.

All you have to do is make an awesome screenshot of something SPUF-related. There are three categories, Team Fortress 2, Warframe and PAYDAY 2.
Entries submitted to the Team Fortress 2 category MUST include a Medic as the main part of the image, preferably doing something awesome and not dying. The cosmetics and team colours do not matter, but bonus points if it matches Medic’s or aabicus’s TF2 loadouts. You may create the image using TF2 screenshots, Garry’s Mod or Source Filmmaker.
Entries submitted into the Warframe category MUST include a central Warframe that has the colour yellow on it somewhere. Bonus points if you use a Warframe that is among my top-ranked frames. Your image must be made in Warframe’s in-game Captura mode.
Entries submitted in the PAYDAY 2 category must be really fucking awesome and badass. You may use an in-game screenshot or Source Filmmaker.
To enter, upload your image to the 2000-articles-contest channel of the Daily SPUF Discord server, include a link to your STEAM PROFILE (and your Warframe name if you are submitting a Warframe image), the phrase “THIS IS FOR YOU, SPUF!” and an optional title for your picture. It should look something like this:

Steam Profile:
Warframe IGN: Retvik
The creator of the best TF2 image will win themselves 3 Mann Co. Supply Keys, Steve the Shotgun and a renamed Medi Gun, supplied by Medic.
The creator of the best Warframe image will win 200 Platinum, a Volt Prime set, a Fang Prime set and a Sonicor Riven Mod if they are over MR8, supplied by Medic/Retvik.
The creator of the best PAYDAY image will win a legendary M308 skin, the Black Bronco and a super exclusive PAYDAY 2 Tournament code, supplied by aabicus.
You may submit up to 3 images total, one per category. Any entries after your first three entries will be ignored. If you wish to change your entry, delete your previous entry first.
Entries must be submitted before Monday 13th August. Any entries submitted after this date will be ignored.
Images must be high quality screenshots, with a minimum pixel size of 800px wide and 600px tall. Photoshopping things is allowed, but only to touch things up. The majority of your picture should be made in-game.
Your Entry MUST be posted in the correct channel of the Daily SPUF discord (the 2000-articles-contest channel), following the rules and requirements above. If you don’t have Discord, you can post to the Steam group.
Entries will be judged by Medic and Aabicus, and their decision is final. Winners will be announced within a week of the contest ending.
You may only win ONE prize.
You MUST include a link to your Steam Profile, a Warframe username or some way to contact you outside of Discord, in order to be able to receive prizes.
Winners MUST be able to trade to receive the TF2 and PAYDAY prizes, MUST be over Mastery Rank 2 to receive the Warframe prize, and over Mastery Rank 8 to be able to receive the Sonicor Riven Mod.
Entries will be discarded if they do not follow any of the above rules.
By submitting an image, you allow the owners of the Daily SPUF to use these images (with credit given) in future articles.
The information submitted by you will only be used for this contest. If you want your data removed, please contact us.
Good luck, everyone!
“What about that giveaway though? You mentioned getting something for free!” Ah yes. I did say that.
I am giving away Ignis Wraith blueprints! Alright, I’m always giving those away, but for this week only, I will be giving away random items alongside my Ignis Wraith blueprints! These random items could be anything from Ayatan Stars and Sculptures to various mods to Prime Parts to Cetus resources and rare fish! You might even get a riven mod!
The only catch? You need to be Mastery Rank 9 to receive a blueprint. If you are NOT Mastery Rank 9, then you may message me anyway and I’ll give you something else, most likely a couple of mods or some fish.
All you have to do is send a Friend Request to Retvik in Warframe, stating your desire for an Ignis Wraith Blueprint and including the title of your favourite Daily SPUF article (or just mention that you like the blog or whatever). When I invite you to trade, you must give me one unranked Redirection mod. You can’t do 100% free trades in Warframe. I don’t want Ammo Drums, I want Redirection mods. I think they’re more common anyway.
Please keep in mind that your mastery rank is your number of trades available every 24 hours, so I only have a limited number of trades per day. Plus, I live in an odd time zone, so please forgive me if it takes a while to get your free item! Once you’ve received your items, feel free to remove me from your friends list. I won’t accept/decline your friend request until I have done the trade with you – this is so I know who I have and haven’t given blueprints to.
Yes, this text is mostly the same as the text from the 1900th article, but it works, doesn’t it?
Anyway, thank you all for sticking around so long, and I hope to see you at the big 3000th article!