On Bread and Butter Pudding
Bread and Butter Pudding is weird. It’s bread and butter and milk and eggs and sugar. But it’s… it’s so tasty. And probably really bad for you. Bread Pudding is the same thing. But bread and butter pudding and bread pudding are kinda two different puddings. Not the same thing. But I made some bread and butter pudding and I just want to share how simple this is.
Simple Bread and Butter Pudding
- Small loaf of white bread
- Butter, softened
- 2-3 eggs
- A bunch of sugar
- A bottle of milk
- Some sort of thing to sprinkle though the pudding, like raisins or chocolate chips or dried fruit and nuts
Literally all you do is layer buttered bread, sugar and your filling of choice in a pan, then mix everything else together and pour it on top, then bake the whole thing at Gas Mark 4-5 in the oven until the eggs are cooked through and the pudding is mostly solid. You don’t want the oven too hot otherwise it burns.
Serve the pudding while warm, preferably with some sort of nice custard. Or even some nice vanilla ice cream.
I would actually give you two recipes, the second being for Bread Pudding, but I can’t. The only recipe I have for Bread Pudding is a secret as it was my nana’s recipe and I’m only allowed to share it with future descendants. Top secret. Thems the rules.

But here’s the strange thing… aside from the fact that I’m suddenly rewriting parts of this article like a year into the future… Anyway, the strange thing is that bread pudding and bread and butter pudding are vastly different things with vastly different textures. Bread pudding is thick and knobbly, while bread and butter pudding is basically a baked version of french toast. A good bread pudding is supposed to be dark and filled with dried fruits and incredibly rich. A bread and butter pudding is actually surprisingly light. And if I’m truly honest? Bread and butter pudding is basically bread and custard.
At the same time, the two dishes are essentially the same thing. It’s bread. And butter. And sugar, eggs and dried fruit. Or chocolate chips, if you use those instead of raisins and sultanas. They’re the same dish but combined in different ways to the point that they are very different. Okay, sure, the main ingredient is still bread, but the tastes are different.
Despite these things though, both dishes are incredibly tasty. Way tastier than they have any right to be. I suppose that makes sense, since both dishes are designed to help get rid of old bread that’s gone stale and you wouldn’t normally eat. I mean, if you have a loaf of bread that’s gone stale, why not make it into
There is something else worth asking though: Why the hell did I leave this article in the Drafts section for so long? Because bread and butter pudding and bread pudding are both somewhat… odd dishes. Not everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, now I’m the only person in my current household who will touch the stuff. Being made out of bread, most people I know would rather just eat the bread in the first place, and due to things like, you know, fridges and freezers, you can keep bread in a pretty fresh state for a long time. So really, there’s no need to make a pudding of bread, and there’s not enough people around to eat a bread pudding.
In fact, the last bread pudding I made, which was about a year ago when I started writing this article, ended up mostly uneaten and ended up getting moldy and thrown in the bin.
Oh well. At least we got a nice recipe out of it. I suppose if you have an event coming up and need a way to get rid of a loaf of bread without wasting it, bread puddings of many types are all very nice and are things that exist…