The Very Sudden December Raid Event

All of a sudden, not only did we suddenly get a whole weird evolution themed event, centered around Pokemon who evolve with items or in other strange ways, but we also very weirdly got a three hour raid event, on Saturday the 7th. This raid event featured not Pokemon who evolve with items, nor Pokemon who evolve in other weird ways, but… just the Kanto Starter Pokemon and their evolutions. So we had Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander (in level 1 raids), Ivysaur, Wartortle, Charmeleon (in level 2 raids), Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard (in level 4 raids) popping up on all applicable… [Continue Reading]

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Risk of Rain 2 and a Really Weird Difficulty Spike

I’ve been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 lately and, thanks to the help of my siblings and one of my siblings’ significant other, we’ve managed to get a lot unlocked. Every time we play and inevitably die, there’s always a “one more run” feel. And since it’s (mostly) pretty low in terms of computer resources (although far more than the original), we can play Risk of Rain 2 on all our crappy laptops. In fact, both my brother and I nominated Risk of Rain 2 for Steam’s Game of the Year award, because frankly it’s the only… [Continue Reading]

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