I Had No Idea That You Could Have More than Four Players in Risk of Rain 2

I’m not very good at Risk of Rain 2, but it is definitely a game I play sometimes, often with friends. However, I was always of the impression that you could only have 4 players at most in a single run. That was until I sat in on voice chat in Kaiga’s Discord server. A nice fellow by the name of Cheezbeargur explained that, in fact, you can actually play with more than four players. All it took was a handful of console commands, and we’d be able to play with five people. Without using any mods or anything like… [Continue Reading]

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An Addiction to the Jump Key

If you have been browsing the Daily SPUF for a while, you may have noticed that our chief editor hates anything to do with parkour, platforming and jumping puzzles. Before any sort of parkour can be done, there’s always some hesitation. After all, most games kill you if you fall into a pit. However, despite my uneasy parkour ‘skills’ (I am not skilled in any way), there’s something odd about how I play video games. I rarely have my feet firmly planted on the ground. In fact, when I move around, I probably jump too much. But why? Why am… [Continue Reading]

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Well, Survivors of the Void is a tricky DLC

I hadn’t played Risk of Rain 2 in a while, so when someone informed me that a DLC was coming out soon, well, I decided to get the DLC straight away, because I like Risk of Rain 2. And, so far, it’s been fun! Fun but deadly There’s lots of cool stuff in Survivors of the Void. Including the Void. And the Void Fiend. Survivors of the Void introduces two new characters and a general Void theme, as well as new levels and new items. Basically Void Everything. And all that void-y goodness wants to make you dead. There’s also… [Continue Reading]

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On Using The Command Artifact

Artifacts are unlockable modifiers in Risk of Rain 2 that alter how the game plays out. Unlike most items though, you choose which artifacts you want to use at the start of the game, and they last until the end of your run. However, the majority of artifracts add challenging modifiers and make the game more difficult. Or, at the very least, they have heavy downsides. However, there is one artifact that makes a Risk of Rain run much, much easier: The Artifact of Command. Choose your items! The Artifact of Command is quite simple. When you get an item,… [Continue Reading]

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I Hate Lesser Wisps

As bad as I am at Risk of Rain 2, I can at least admit that the designs are mostly fair. The reason I’ve never unlocked an alternate skin is because I need to get better at the game. That’s fine. That’s all on me. And, to my credit, I am trying and I am getting a bit better. I managed to obliterate myself at an obelisk the other day. In fact, I’m also getting closer to beating Mythrix. Have still only beaten him once though. That being said, there’s one single enemy that I REALLY hate. The Lesser Wisp… [Continue Reading]

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Risk of Rain 2’s Final Boss and Level Are Pretty Crazy

Risk of Rain 2 is finally out of early access and can be completed. This means a final level and a final boss, as well as a way to escape without, well, dying. Before RoR2 came out of early access, the only real way to end a run was to die or loop once and obliterate or fight a Scavenger. But now we have a final boss that we can kill, as well as some sort of happy ending. But man, this final boss is a rush. (Also, spoilers ahead, so be careful out there.) Getting to the boss isn’t… [Continue Reading]

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On Malachite Elite Enemies

A lot of my problems with Risk of Rain 2 are more about me needing to get good and be more greedy. I need to grab more items for myself and stop trying to constantly help my team mates. Especially if I’m playing Engineer and the team’s only source of reliable heals. I can admit I fucked up by not correctly dodging all 7 of those charging, elite bison. Sometimes I make stupid decisions and go the wrong way. Or, as is most often the case, I just get focused and can’t get to cover quickly enough, because I forgot… [Continue Reading]

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The Mercenary

Sometimes I wonder why I do strange things. Sometimes I wonder why I do things and end up liking those strange things. The Mercenary, a character from Risk of Rain 2, is one of those strange things. You see, I play Risk of Rain mostly blind. While I’ve ‘watched’ a streamer and Youtuber play Risk of Rain 2 (he has a marathon run that lasts FOUR HOURS), I’ve never really watched it, it’s mostly just background noise while I do other things. After all, if I’m reading or writing or drawing, sometimes I want something that will play to itself… [Continue Reading]

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Risk of Rain 2 and a Really Weird Difficulty Spike

I’ve been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 lately and, thanks to the help of my siblings and one of my siblings’ significant other, we’ve managed to get a lot unlocked. Every time we play and inevitably die, there’s always a “one more run” feel. And since it’s (mostly) pretty low in terms of computer resources (although far more than the original), we can play Risk of Rain 2 on all our crappy laptops. In fact, both my brother and I nominated Risk of Rain 2 for Steam’s Game of the Year award, because frankly it’s the only… [Continue Reading]

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A Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain was a game I never really fancied playing. I had seen people play it on streams, but the idea of a 2D shooter game with elements of platforming and random items never appealed to me. A 2D game with all that, which started hard and only got more difficult, made Risk of Rain a game I’d probably avoid. But somehow, you put Risk of Rain into a 3D environment and suddenly I’m having fun. Brother recommended that I try Risk of Rain 2, simply because it was 1+1 free, and him and sister were already going to… [Continue Reading]

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