Warframe’s Lack of Normal Tenno Life

Sometimes, in Warframe, people like to sit down and relax for a bit. Maybe they’ll go fishing on the Plains, or sit in relays and chat with each other. Some people prefer doing K-Drive stuff to relax, others prefer mining and conservation. There are plenty of non-lethal things to do in Warframe. However, no matter whether we’re sitting in a relay or chilling out in Fortuna 69, every single Tenno present looks pretty damn tense.

Warframes and Tenno don’t seem to relax at all.

I mean, I don’t blame them. The Tenno murdered a bunch of Orokin and society collapsed around them as they fell asleep. On top of that, the Sentients are coming back and the Lotus is missing. That’s a pretty damn good reason not to ever be relaxed.

Lore aside, Warframes seem to always be on their toes. The majority of animation sets that Warframes use will play an idle animation every few seconds. Even when they’re not armed. Most of these animations though aren’t exactly relaxing in any way. Most of them seem quite energetic. As far as I’m concerned, the only genuinely relaxed animation set is for the Excalibur Zato skin. Everything else is just a flex.

But none of these animation sets show any sort of relaxation.

The best we can do is sit down, meditate or kneel.

There are only a handful of things that show a Tenno actually relaxing. We have three simple emotes, plus places of meditation in relays and dojos. Sitting is a rather basic emote, meditation has you hover off the ground and kneeling is what we seem to spend most of our time doing. Even as you log in, your Warframe is kneeling, before you stand up and enter the game proper.

A Volt enjoying the sunshine with his inflatable rubber ring
A Volt enjoying the sunshine with his inflatable rubber ring

In fact, kneeling is probably the most common emote, since there are special pads in relays and dojos on which you can kneel. While it is nice to kneel by a window and glaze into space, I’d like to be able to do it without a prompt to stand up again.

In the mean time, there are loads of highly active emotes. Players have a strange combination of fancy dances, feats of agility and summoning random glyph-like effects. All of these though don’t look particularly relaxing.

More Emotes please.

Basically, this is all a long-winded ramble about not having enough emotes. Well, we do have a lot of emotes, but they’re all pretty damn fancy. What I want are emotes that show the Tenno as idle and doing simple things. There are many emotes that could be made, like alternate sitting positions, as well as standing still, leaning against walls and more. Heck, a chair to sit on would be nice.

Finally, as a completely random aside, the True Master emote is crap. It just looks really weird and out of place and feels weird depending on what frame you’re using. The True Master emote looks less like a show of power and more of a show-off. It’s frankly… just really weird and transitions badly from your default pose and back again.

But yes, we could really do with some nice, new, relaxing emotes. What we have now are alright, but there’s so many simple relaxing emotes one can do. More variety is always nice.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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