5 Warframes Who Hate Fashionframe
Fashionframe is the true end game for Warframe. Once you’ve done everything, there’s not much else left to do. Sure, you can throw some Forma at Tenet weapons, farm Steel Path for new Arcanes or even help newbies. But all of this feels far more enjoyable if you are using a cool-looking Warframe. With so many options for colours, helmets, Syandanas, armour and skins, there’s a bit of something for everyone. Armour and syandanas in particular can make or break a cool silhouette.
And at the end of the day, some Warframes really just don’t work well. Whether it’s clipping armour or just being weirdly shaped, a handful of Warframes are better off without attachments.
Lavos is a very busy, bulky-looking Warframe. One that has glass vials and snakes on it. The design of Lavos is genuinely really cool. He’s basically a cross between an alchemist and a jailer, and it really shows on Lavos. But while the design for Lavos is well done, there’s a side issue of not having anything that really matches Lavos’s design. On top of that, his secondary helmet is genuinely really ugly.
And because Lavos is new, it’ll be a while before we get any new cosmetics for him. Deluxe OR Tennogen. I do hope though that we’ll get some Tennogen skins for Lavos, because he really is unique.

On the other hand, Rhino has plenty of cosmetics. But Rhino’s problem is different. Iron Skin, one of Rhino’s key abilities, does not play nice with whatever skin you are wearing. On a normal Rhino with Iron Skin, you get a rather muted yet lumpy effect. On Rhino Prime however, using Iron Skin turns you into a metallic statue, completely obscuring the frame underneath.
Using Rhino’s Deluxe Skin does change the appearance of Iron Skin, but that means, well, having to always use the Deluxe skin. Which is a shame because Rhino has some AMAZING skins. But they all get covered up by Iron Skin.
While Lavos is generally too big and cluttered, Yareli is too small and cluttered. There is so much going on with Yareli that there’s basically no room for armour and very little space for a Syandana. Yareli has so many trims and floppy bits that you can’t put much on her. Her smaller frame also means a lot of armour appears a bit big on her. With all those frills though, things like sigils and leg pieces get lost on her.
Really, Yareli is a bit of a mess, no matter how you look at her.

Vauban on the other hand just isn’t a very good-looking Warframe. Sure, the Vauban Graxx skin is cool, but everything else about Vauban makes him hard to customize. Both Prime and non-Prime versions don’t have that much going on, but they have big, bulky body parts and unusual (and mostly ugly) helmets. You’d think a Deluxe skin would change that. Unfortunately though, Vauban’s Deluxe skin is even more intricate and complicated. It’s an awesome design, but nothing really matches it. So it’s all or nothing.
This does make me quite sad though, because Vauban is a fun frame to play as. He’s just too… square to do anything cool with.
Honestly, Wisp is so nice. She’s a beautifully slender and gorgeous Warframe who is also pretty fun to play. Wisp also has plenty of cosmetics available to her, including Tennogen. So why is Wisp on this list? It’s simple. Melee just doesn’t look good on Wisp. The stances force this floating goddess to stand on her two feet, but Wisp has no feet. It just looks so awkward, almost unnatural, seeing a Wisp use melee.
Wisp does also have a similar problem to Yareli, but mainly just on her chest. A lot of chest armour placements make the armour look way too large across Wisp’s chest. Sure, that is technically armour doing its job, but armour has no actual game benefits aside from decoration
Luckily, you can avoid this problem completely by, well, not using melee weapons or chest armour on Wisp. But it’s still really… odd.
Are these Warframes completely uncostumizable? No, not completely. You can do a lot with them. But you have to work extra hard to find something that fits.
I realise I may have been a bit mean to all these Warframes. So, if you disagree, pop by our Discord channel and share some pictures of your Warframes. I’m always looking for new inspiration!