A Review of Suicide Squad That Isn’t Really a Review

The other week, I went to see Suicide Squad with some family. I’ve always been a fan of super hero movies, and people were saying that this one was good. At the very least, it couldn’t have been much worse than the previous Suicide Squad, right?

Well, yes, it was better. But something about Suicide Squad bothered me.

Before I get to that, let’s just cover the basics.


And preferably go watch the movie. Because it was legitimately a lot better than Suicide Squad 1.

Image by Twighlightzone from Pixabay
Picture here has nothing to do with the movie. But there was a LOT of blood. Image by Twighlightzone from Pixabay

Are they gone? Alright, let’s continue.

Basically, movie was good.

I mean, if you’ve seen the first Suicide Squad, it’s not exactly hard to beat. The first movie was a fucking mess that had no idea where it as going or even what genre it was. Suicide Squad 2 on the other hand (I’m calling it 2 to differentiate it) is essentially a complete reboot. With the exception of Harley Quinn and the grumpy woman controlling and monitoring the team, everything is basically redone. There was no messing around either, we just jumped into the basic premise straight away. Which is probably for the best since there was action right from the start. That being said, the movie was a bit of a rush. Suicide Squad doesn’t take itself seriously and doesn’t seem to take time seriously as well.

One thing that was really good however were all the transition shots. Suicide Squad isn’t a movie that really needs chapters and subtitles, but it had them anyway. However, the transitions were genuinely really amazing and fluid. Overall, the cinematography was all-round excellent. Soundtrack was pretty good as well, but I didn’t find it memorable.

Somehow a little too much murder.

This does sound like a weird comment about a movie titled Suicide Squad, but holy shit there was a lot of death. Not just generic bad guy soldiers either. Only a handful of people actually survived the damn movie. There was so much death and destruction, and the only person I was certain would make it to the end of the film was Harley Quinn.

What annoyed me however was how many basically innocent people were murdered, without a care in the world. And I’m not just talking about the generic dictator military people. No one was safe in this damn movie. Even the vaguely good guy freedom fighters fighting against the dictator were not safe, and a majority of them were murdered by the Suicide Squad themselves. At the end of the movie, we only had four of the original group actually making it out alive. All the while thousands of mind-raped people lay dead around them.

The thing that makes this worse is that, well, no one seems to care. In fact, the boss lady was genuinely willing to kill the entire Suicide Squad, who were willing to go back and fight the massive, mind-eating monster. Something which could have easily turned into a planet-wide problem.

Wasn’t a good movie for me.

Unfortunately, Suicide Squad didn’t sit right with me. It was simply too much. Which is weird, because I don’t normally have a problem with death or gore. But the overly gory style, the huge massacres and the inclusion of not one but TWO dead parent backstories, it was all simply too much for me. For some reason it didn’t occur to me until the end of the movie that I probably should have left earlier on. So I ended up leaving the cinema in tears, having an anxiety attack. I’m not going to lie, the ending with thousands of people, all lying dead with face-eating aliens on their faces really made me feel horrible.

Would I still recommend the movie? I guess. But I don’t think I’ll be watching Suicide Squad again.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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