My First Handheld Gaming Console
The other day, I actually did something rather out of character. People who know me well often describe me as frugal or cheap. I’ve always been unwilling to spend a lot of money on things I like, and always take the cheapest option. Even when I’m supposed to be treating myself to something nice, I still take the cheaper route. And if I can’t justify a purchase, I simply don’t get it.
However, for once, I actually bought a proper treat for myself.
I bought a Nintendo Switch Lite.
For about €300, I bought myself a Nintendo Switch and Animal Crossing. I didn’t fancy the main That’s a lot of money which I wouldn’t normally spend at all. That being said, I had been saving money to treat myself, and with things still being Covid-y, my other intended treats simply wouldn’t work. Instead, I decided that I’d look at things from a hobby-base view. After all, I play a lot of video games… Actually, no, I don’t play many games, but I do get engrossed in the ones I like.

However, all my video games basically tied me to my desk. If I wanted to play a game, I’d either be sitting at my computer or playing Pokemon GO on my phone. A Nintendo Switch would offer me a new perspective, playing games wherever I want.
On top of that, the siblings had been suggesting I get a Switch for ages. They have both been playing Animal Crossing and wanted to invite me too. Which was reasonable. If I didn’t have siblings to play with, I probably wouldn’t have bought the console at all.
Speaking of which, it’s my first handheld console.
Somehow, I’ve never actually owned a handheld, portable console until now. Never had a GameBoy or anything like that. I think the closest I got to a handheld console was that weird Nokia gaming phone which I was persuaded not to buy.
Although, now that I think about it, the Switch is actually the forth video game console I’ve ever owned. We originally had a PlayStation 1, followed up by a PlayStation 2. We didn’t get a new console until years later, when we were gifted a Nintendo Wii. So my Switch is my 4th console ever. Fifth, if you include PCs. Which I don’t, because they’re not designed only for video games.
I only have two games so far.
It’s also not likely to change either, at least for a while. I bought Animal Crossing so I could play with the siblings. However, Nintendo games seem way, way more expensive. I had a look at Pokemon Sword, a game that’s been out for a while, and the shop I was at were charging €60! I thought this might just be because it’s Pokemon. However, as I looked at the shelves of a couple of different shops, the high prices were on pretty much every game. Even in the middle of Cyber Monday (ugh I hate typing that), I saw only one Nintendo Switch for sale. And it still cost €35.
It’s not too bad though. I’ve got two games that will keep me occupied for a while. They are Animal Crossing and… Warframe. Both of which I shall review in later articles.
For now though, I’m just gonna mess around with my new toy, my first handheld console…