5 Cernos Variations I’d Like to See

I like the Cernos. It’s a nice, simple bow. But unlike most Warframe weapons, the Cernos has a LOT of variations. Currently, there are five variants in-game. Including the normal Cernos, we also have the Rakta Cernos, Cernos Prime, Mutalist Cernos and Proboscis Cernos. But we can do better. We need more Cernos variants. Luckily, I got you covered. Here are 5 cool potential Cernoses. Because we can always do with more Cernos. Prisma Cernos I’m honestly pretty amazed that we don’t have a Prisma Cernos. Prisma weapons overall tend to be a middle ground between normal variants and Prime… [Continue Reading]

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