Little World-Building Tidbits I’d Like to See in Warframe

Warframe has a lot going for it. We recently had a war go in and have just started making things go back to normal. In particular, the New War did somewhat show how normal people lived, most notably for the Tenno. However, I feel like a lot of world-building lore is pretty well hidden, restricted to quests or events of the past. Here are a few ideas I’ve had, to add just a pinch of nice lore into the daily grind. Exploring other colonies a bit more “What other colonies?” you may ask. Well, there’s been a few mentioned. In… [Continue Reading]

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What was Ballas’s Plan Anyway?

I know I’ve rambled a lot about the New War lately. Little things about it just randomly crop up and I feel I have to write them down. However, I have stumbled across something that leaves me completely clueless. All these crazy things happened, we had a massive war that lasted a hot minute and it all ended up leaving Ballas at the top. But even with Ballas and the Narmer, that didn’t seem like the end of Ballas’s plan. None of it makes sense. So what WAS Ballas’s final plan? Spoilers ahead, just letting you know At first, I… [Continue Reading]

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On Not Hurting Natah

A while back, I made some predictions about the New War. What I predicted was pretty basic, only focusing on the major details. However, somewhat worryingly, I was kinda… almost slightly correct with my predictions. I definitely wasn’t 100% accurate. But then again, the New War did throw a ton of curve balls at us. Especially at the end of the quest. Spoilers ahead, just so you know. That being said, I want to talk about the one big thing I wrote in my prediction articles. Like most people, I was gearing up, readying myself for a massive battle. With… [Continue Reading]

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Please Don’t Put Balls in Bundles and Boxes

After wasting a bunch of hard-earns coins in Pokemon GO, I haven’t really been looking that the boxes in the Pokemon GO shop. Normally, I’d have very little coins because I’d spend them all on raid passes. But raids have been unappealing lately, so I finally got myself 480 coins, ready to buy something nice. The Pokemon GO shop has got various useful things within it, and mostly works as a “pay to go faster” shop than anything else. For example, if you have eggs you want to hatch, then get super incubators and hatch eggs quickly. Or just do… [Continue Reading]

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The Easy Fortuna and Deimos Resource Farms

With each Open World in Warframe, we get a lot of resources that aren’t really available anywhere else. Most open world resources also have an annoying habit of being ingredients for various blueprints too, meaning you need to keep them in stock. Some of these resources are also needed for leveling up various syndicates and groups too. However, the way to gain these resources comes from two specific places: mining and fishing. They are so sloooow. Mining and fishing both can eat up a lot of time, if you do them normally. Moving to each little gem or mineral deposit,… [Continue Reading]

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Tips to Get to Best Buddies slightly quicker in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO, getting a Pokemon to the level of Best Buddies is kinda hard. Actually, no. I take that back. It’s tedious trying to level up a buddy. Luckily here are some little tips to maybe speed things up. Keep the Nanabs For once, nanab berries have a use, aside from making excellent throws in a row. Most of the time, you don’t need nanabs to catch Pokemon, so it’s worth feeding them to your buddy instead. Eventually, your buddy will start giving you gifts of berries, but at the start, you have to use what you’ve got. Luckily,… [Continue Reading]

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Fortuna Bounties and Ignoring the Orb Vallis

In order to level up with Fortuna, you need to do a lot of bounties. Just like Cetus, Fortuna’s boss Eudico directs us through various stages of a bounty, either sabotaging the Corpus or saving their own. It’s all very standard stuff, and the missions themselves are pretty easy. If anything, the hardest tasks are the assassination ones simply due to a lack of enemies. However, there’s another big problem with Fortuna bounties. Only the centre of the Orb Vallis exists apparently. If you grab a bounty from Eudico, all of the tasks will be in the same 2-3 areas.… [Continue Reading]

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4 things to do when you have done almost everything in Warframe

I have a lot of time in Warframe, but lately, I haven’t been doing much. Sure, I played the New War and some bounties, but honestly, there isn’t too much going on. At the same time, I like to keep one eye on Warframe, and it’s still my preferred game when it comes to mindless slaughter. Even then though, it’s nice to have some side objectives to do between mindless slaughter sessions. Here are my favourite things to do when I don’t fancy doing anything else, but still want to be vaguely productive. Open relics There’s nothing better than running… [Continue Reading]

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My 5 Least Favourite Shiny Pokemon (that I actually use)

I’m a simple person. If I see something shiny, then I feel I must have it. My brain works like that of a magpie or crow, always gathering shiny items. However, since most magpies and crows can’t use game consoles, they can’t really understand what a shiny Pokemon is. And as we slowly climb towards nearly a thousand different Pokemon, it’s a tad tedious to rate all of them. Instead, in today’s article, I’ll be sticking to only Pokemon that I use. Because, even if we round it down to just Pokemon GO, we’d be here all day. Garchomp First… [Continue Reading]

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The Arise Quadrology: A Retrospective

On December 31st 2020, Adobe Flash offically died, taking with it a huge catalogue of ancient in-browser games. The sheer volume of animations, websites, comics, and other Flash-based media that disappeared that day is impossible to overstate. While there are countless titles I could have written this memorial article about, for some reason I decided to eulogize the worst quadrology of flash games ever made. Back in the early 2000s my brother and I regularly duoed escape-the-room games as it was a particularly good genre for paired-play. Every time one of you solved a puzzle/found another inventory item, they could… [Continue Reading]

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