Yet Another Intermission – Nightwave Nora’s Mix Volume 1
Well, Nightwave is back. Again. After what felt like an eternity of Intermission 2, we do have a new Nightwave to play, with both more rewards and more chores to complete. This Nightwave season though, there is no plot or anything. Named ‘Nora’s Mix Vol.1’, it’s technically a new Nightwave. But we’ve seen all of this before.

It’s just another Intermission.
Sure, this time it’s not called an intermission, but it certainly does act exactly like one. We have the standard 150 creds at the start, alongside a bunch of useful things early on, and the actual new stuff at the end. Any cosmetic duplicates that you already own are turned into more credits. And the cred shop is filled with the same old stuff. There are some useful things in the shop, like Vauban parts and alternate helms, but again, it’s the same as the intermission.
If I were to guess what the next Nightwave would be, it’d be called Nora’s Mix Vol. 2. That’s how much faith I have in these Nightwave episodes.
The only real bonus is that we have received some brand new tasks, which is honestly a good thing. There’s only so many times that you can have a task like “complete 5 bounties on the Orb Vallis” or whatever.
Why is Nightwave so hard to keep up with?
What I don’t understand is why we keep on getting intermission Nightwaves rather than story-based ones. Doesn’t have to be as slow or as complicated as Glassmaker, doesn’t really need to have a gimmick or anything. All you need are some nice dioramas, with Nora Night talking over them. Not much else is needed.
Heck, we could use Nightwave to replay various events from Warframe’s past. The content is all already there and ready to use. Alternatively, just make Nora loop the same intermission over until we get a new episode. What we currently have isn’t the worst, but it feels weird having so many filler episodes.
The cred store also isn’t the greatest. Sure, the store has Kuva and Nitain as evergreen items to buy, but I think we could do with more stuff like that. Why not have Nora sell relic packs or something like that as well?
At least the new stuff is vaguely interesting.
Traditionally, Nightwave always has a handful of brand new goodies. These are there to entice players who already have most of what Nora has to offer. This Nightwave’s cosmetics are a Tenno-themed Domestik Drone and the Glacia Syandana. Both are pretty good-looking, but it’ll be a grind to get them. A new skin for dual swords is available too, but I don’t know if it’ll work on all dual swords. It should do. And it’s probably a good thing because there are a LOT of dual swords in Warframe.
A mod for the Akjagara and a mod for the Tigris are both also technically new additions. Tigris’s new mod decreases reload time, which is always good. The Akjagara though, extra damage if all your enemies are far away, dual pistols aren’t really meant for that sort of thing.
We also have another Umbral Forma right at the end. Umbral Forma are always a good reward, just because of how rare they are. But at the end of the day, it’s just another damn intermission…