Not Bothering with the Legendary Ranks anymore…

I think, finally, after all these years, I think I can stop chasing new mastery. It’s been a long, long ride. A multi-year long ride, to get to the prestigious rank of True Master. And then we went beyond that, entering the Legendary Ranks of 1 and, soon, 2. There are enough items in Warframe to level up that we have hit Mastery Rank 32. But is it still worth chasing?

We now know what’s after True Master.

From what we’ve seen so far, it seems quite simple. Both Legendary 1 and Legendary 2 ranks require doing the same things that Mastery Rank 1 and 2 need. The tests are identical, except much harder. While in MR1 and 2, we had to kill enemies with primary and secondary weapons, LR1 and 2 are the same but just have tougher enemies.

The rewards are also very similar. You get a Legendary Core, which is new, but everything else is the same. MR30’s rewards were far better, but that may have been because True Master is pretty much the summit of Warframe, a massive milestone to be conquered. Either way, I feel like, despite Legendary ranks being higher levels, they just don’t feel as awesome as the rank of True Master, or MR30.

The leftover mastery is all either prime parts or a massive grind.

What is slowing me down though is the mastery I need to reach Legendary Rank 2. Most of what’s left is actually tied to the Sisters of Parvos update. While I have all the primary and secondary weapons, they need to be squeezed hard to get to level 40. And don’t get me started on the Tenet weapons. There’s four of them and they all require resources from Railjack. Normally I would have no issue with that, but my computer has been struggling to even run Railjack lately, and I don’t want to play on my own for more grinding.

Luckily, I can trade for Prime things. I have a nice little pile of Platinum to sit on. Not only that though, but I have a ton of relics as well. Farming for Prime stuff can be a bit tedious and is 99% pure luck, but I can take these things slowly.

I’ll reach the next few Legendary Ranks slowly, in my own time. There’s no reason to rush and chase things down any more.

Maybe play some other games

Really, the problem is that I’m a bit burnt out from playing Warframe. I mean, I’ve been playing for so long, no wonder I’m feeling burnt out. There’s only so much time one person can spent in one game, and Warframe, after 4000 hours, is getting to be like that. So, in the mean time, I’ll play some other games. Destiny 2 seems like the thing I will play next, especially as I have a lot of Witch Queen content to do. There’s also a few other games I’ve been meaning to try. But a lot of this is stuck behind an “if”, whether I even have time to play new games.

That being said, the next Warframe update looks genuinely interesting. The Angels of the Zariman looks and sounds like it has some rather tasty lore behind it, as well as more of a continuation of what we saw in the New War.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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