Meet the Medic is still the best Meet the Team short
I actually was planning to write a different article today. I’ve got about 40 different articles that I have started. And by ‘started’ I mean I wrote a couple of sentences and then not done anything else. It happens a lot, the brain writes what the brain wants. Today’s article now is something completely different. How I got from complaining to Destiny 2’s jump mechanics to watching Meet the Medic for the umpteenth time, I have no idea. But here I am, writing about Meet the Medic anyway. Mostly because I’ve re-watched it like 6-7 times now, always spotting little things.
Simply put, it’s the best Meet the Team video.
Everything about Meet the Medic is perfect. Great story, great characters, great acting, great animation AND a banging soundtrack. Somehow, Meet the Medic ticks every box, giving us a pretty much perfect look into Medic’s life, while also finally giving us some tasty, tasty lore, something Medic has lacked for a long time. Wasn’t until the TF2 comic series and Mann VS Machine that Medic got any extra lore.
It’s also by far the best Meet the Team video. At least, in my opinion. Meet the Spy is a very distant second. Meet the Pyro can’t even hold a candle to how awesome Meet the Medic is. I always felt that they could have done more with Meet the Pyro, but it just somewhat slumps into the interview style of earlier Meet the Team videos. Which is quite odd because Meet the Spy was also pretty actiony and looked at things from a new angle. It’s like Meet the Pyro took a step back on quality.
Then again, there’s rumors that Meet the Pyro was much more complete than Meet the Medic was, and Meet the Pyro could have been released a lot sooner, but they wanted to leave Pyro until last.
In fact, I’d say Meet the Medic is among the best game videos around when it comes to introducing a healing character.
Normally, healers in video games have it rough. Just because they’re not leaping into hordes of enemies, doesn’t mean that healers are frail. In fact, Medic goes and proves the opposite in Meet the Medic. I have always felt that healing characters kinda falter in the background, not doing anything impressive, but here’s Medic, proving otherwise. Sure, in-game, Medic can be a bit of a background character but he makes his presence known. Teams brighten up with a good Medic. And Meet the Medic doubles down on that.
Plus, the Medi Gun and backpack must be insanely heavy. Yet Medic happily wears that backpack and carries his Medi Gun for hours at a time. To be able to do that requires plenty of muscle, which Medic must have underneath that lab coat. Medic is one tough, buff healer. In Meet the Medic, we see Medic using a set of powerful poses to use his Medi Gun. He knows how to lift.

The most terrifying thing of all? Meet the Medic is over 10 years old.
Yeah, you read that correctly. Meet the Medic came out on June 24th, 2011, and is very close to its next birthday. This absolute gem of a video still holds up though. Both then and now, Meet the Medic delivers perfectly orchestrated high points and a level of chaos and death, showing how Medic is a force multiplier and a deranged genius.
So yeah, basically, Meet the Medic is perfect. There’s very little that tops such a badass video like Meet the Medic.