The Reapers/Servants Split

While I was sailing on my new brig, Arkay’s Fang, and customizing it to look like a representative of the Reaper’s Bones, I noticed that Bacxaber was running around with his Skeleton curse on. Mostly because we’d done a couple of Sea Forts with the newest Stormcloud recruit, and we didn’t want the new guy to get confused by Bacxaber’s normal Ghost-curse-wearing self. The Skeleton Curse is a reward for reaching rank 100 with the Servants of the Flame, one of the two Hourglass PvP-only factions, the other being the Guardians of Fortune. Now, I don’t do Hourglass PvP because… [Continue Reading]

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Dagath’s Backstory – So Screwing Warframes is Fine…

Being a good clan warlord, when Dagath came out, we got that room pretty much instantly. Between Inquizitor and myself, we built the room, fed it the materials it needed and then wasted some Platinum on getting it built instantly. Once we had the room done, we went in,m grabbed the blueprints for Dagath and her weapon and that was pretty much it. It wasn’t until I noticed I could alter my Kaithe in that room (although my Kaithe always appears invisible to me) that I noticed that Dagath has LORE. And not just any lore, but lore read by… [Continue Reading]

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What Was Our Deal With the Man In The Wall Anyway?

A quick heads up, this article contains spoilers from the Whispers in the Walls quest. I’ll be discussing one of the key parts of the quest, so you should probably go and play Whispers in the Walls first. I recommend taking an Excalibur, mostly for the cool scene in the second part of the quest, mostly for the sake of immersion. There is a defense mission, but it’s Mirror Defense, so the target will protect itself once you’ve collected enough thingies. You don’t really get much of a chance to switch frame, but I also recommend shoving some mods into… [Continue Reading]

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Reaper’s Bones – Lore versus Gameplay

Throughout the history of Sea of Thieves, there’s been an obvious bad guy behind it all. Captain Flameheart is a ruthless pirate, infused with various dark magics, who wants to violently take over the Sea of Thieves and become its king. Flameheart is a vile and vicious monster who will happily kill anyone in his path in order to complete his plan. For a long time though, Flameheart was kinda dead, and acted via proxies and loyal servants, particularly the Ashen Lords. In the current timeline in the game though, thanks to an adventure where we had to collect mystic… [Continue Reading]

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The Lotus – A Mistake Was Made

It’s been a while since I played The New War. I kinda rushed through the quest because I didn’t really playing as Drifter. I was also rather annoyed at how little war was actually in The New War. Sure, we had things like Scarlet Spear, Chimera Prologue, Apostasy and the Murexes leading up to The New War, but these events were far too spread out to have any meaningful impact on the New War itself. But while I played and eventually finished The New War, I realized that I had made a massive mistake. Before I continue, if you haven’t… [Continue Reading]

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What’s Left of the Narmer?

During the New War, a new faction is introduced, the Narmer. The Narmer are essentially a cult forced on the origin system, kept in line via Narmer Veils, the horrible helmets that both control you and delude you into thinking that your lost loved ones are still with you. The Narmer Veils produce hallucinations that keep you in line, and pretty much all Narmer wear them, making them loyal to to both the Sentients and Ballas, an Orokin executor and one of the few remaining Orokin left alive. At least, until the end of the New War. However, although Ballas… [Continue Reading]

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What Even Is The Man In The Wall

Ever since Chains of Harrow, there’s been something lurking in the shadows, both there and not there. With the death of Rell, we have become susceptible to what is generally known as The Man In The Wall. Or Wally for short. This mysterious entity has been silently watching us, nudging us in various directions and often toying with us. The Man In The Wall is an enigmatic entity that no one really knows what it is. The first time we encounter The Man In The Wall is right at the end of The War Within. While he’s not mentioned throughout… [Continue Reading]

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Eternalism And Everyone Being The Main Character

Most MMOs have the same problem. There’s technically only one protagonist, despite hundreds or thousands of players all being that one single protagonist. This is normally hand-waved away, because MMOs need a protagonist to do their main quests and storylines. It’s the singular hero (or team of heroes) who struggles though the plot of a game, while everyone else might as well be an NPC. It’s always bothered me a little bit, because it basically makes no sense. Either we all do these story quests or no one does. Warframe is no stranger to this problem. After all, it’s only… [Continue Reading]

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Dead End Stories In Pokemon GO

Back at the start of the year, Pokemon GO had some sort of plot point featuring a massive door, that Arlo from Team GO Rocket wanted to open. Apparently it contained some sort of mystical power and we had to, I don’t know, stop him? At the end of the season though, nothing actually happened. It was a dead end plot point. We hardly even got to see what was behind this magical door, we just know that we stopped Arlo doing whatever it was he was doing. Now, some of you are probably thinking that Pokemon GO doesn’t have… [Continue Reading]

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Nowhere Left to Hide

Quick note: this article contains some sort of spoiler for Destiny 2 and its next major update. Read on if you are not afraid of spoilers. Destiny 2’s lore is often drawn out and somewhat hard to find. However, as the conclusion to the Witch Queen and season 19, things are a little too easy to find. Every major update gets an end of season cinematic, but Witch Queen is ending in a different way. A massive way. Something so powerful that even I, a complete noob and ultra casual player, had to watch it multiple times. After so long… [Continue Reading]

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