Finally Burnt Out on Warframe
According to Steam, I have over 4000 hours in Warframe. I’m a Legendary Rank 1 Tenno, and among the earliest people to reach Mastery Rank 30. Up until Angels of the Zariman, I had managed to acquire pretty much every weapon in Warframe. I even went and bought the MR30 real life pin badge, because I could and because it looked cool.
However, I haven’t properly played Warframe in about a month and a half. It seems that, finally, after 4000 hours, I’m finally burnt out from my space ninja game.
But why though? Why am I burnt out?

Well, excluding the 4000 hours.
One of the issues I’ve been having with Warframe isn’t really Warframe’s fault. My trusty laptop is to blame here, because it takes FOREVER for Warframe to load into missions. Normally, I’d just give in and play Warframe solo. These days though, I’m a more social person and I prefer playing with friends. The loading screens are the worst when I’m playing with randoms. Quite often, I find myself finally loading in and half the mission is already done. I don’t know what is causing this, because all my other games (excluding Sea of Thieves) seem to run okay.
The odd thing is, I’m not even going back for Khora Prime. Sure, she looks fabulous, but I just can’t be bothered to grind relics for her. The exact same thing applies to Gyre and Garuda Prime. I’m just not interested in playing right now. When it comes to relics, the few times I do manage to play, I so rarely get anything good, and farming new relics is a chore. I’m also not really enjoying the Zariman missions, and will at some point probably just buy Gyre.
However, one of the much bigger reasons is that I’m not really interested in where the game is going now. Playing the New War is actually what caused this slow decline of interest. I didn’t enjoy the quest as much as I had expected. All my gear, modded and ready to go, were hardly even touched, aside from some brief action at the end. It was mostly Drifter-based. Then the next few updates all hit and, guess what? More Drifter and Operator stuff. And I’m just not enjoying any of this content.
Sure, we’ve been given new Warframes and weapons and stuff, but, I don’t know, I’m kinda getting bored with the story, the Drifter and all of that. The New War was a short war, the Angels of the Zariman were more like demons and the Drifter-only Durviri Paradox is a long way off.
On top of all of this though is that, well, I’ve completed a huge amount of things. I mean, I’ve achieved a ton over the years, and I finally got the items I wanted (namely ephemeras and skins for Volt) and I reached the rank of True Master. I’ll never properly ‘complete’ Warframe, but I’ve done as much as I can.
So now, I guess it’s time to take a break from Warframe. But the nice thing is that, when I do come back, everything will still be there, waiting for me.
Oh and if you still need Ignis Wraith blueprints, hit me up.
4,000 hours? Whew, that’s more than I have in any game ever, including TF2 and FFXIV. I’m not surprised you want to give it a break after all that time!
I always support moving onto something else if your current games aren’t as fun as they used to be. Cause the good news is, they’ll always be there if you ever choose to come back, and sometimes a break makes everything feel fresh again