The Flow of Writing

Writing, at least, good writing, has a flow to it. A journey of words that twist around and trickle down, starting as a stream and slowly becoming a mighty river. Actually writing, creating your own words, stories and articles, is just like another river, one that also ebbs and flows. This river decides whether you continue downstream or if you get caught on some piece of junk that won’t ever biodegrade.

I’ll be honest with you all. What I just wrote was a load of utter bollocks. There was no real flow, it made little sense and frankly my similies all suck. It’s a bunch of trash I wrote for no real reason aside from trying to make a point about being fluid.

When it comes to actually writing, there is a rather pleasant flow that you sometimes get. You start writing and you almost can’t stop. It all slips out in one cohesive writing session. A session where you find all the words you are looking for, and find all the relevant links, references and images you need too.

A great sample of this was aabicus’s article about under-used spells in Call of Cthulhu. According to him, he wrote it in under an hour, finishing it with ease, with an awesome 1300 word count. Writing like that is pretty rare, but when you do reach that writing zone of zen, it makes for a good article.

As for me right now? I don’t have that same flow. I do sometimes reach that level of zen. However, it’s getting rarer, unless someone or something draws me in. It’s partly my lack of main game to play currently. Sea of Thieves would be great but that only gets played late at night on weekends only. Overwatch 2 would have been an option if it ran well on my laptop. Which it doesn’t. There is plenty to do in Warframe but after 4.5k hours, I need a break. There are some other options, but they aren’t really… write-able. Heck, I was going to do a playthrough of Animal Crossing but I quickly realised that the game does little for me.

Of course, I don’t have to just write about video games. I have done a few articles about board games and depending on how these board games play out, I will probably write about those too. There is definitely one board game I will definitely be writing about, but I need to find the flow in order to write about it with ease.

Aside from those, I don’t really have much else that I want to write about. The key word here being “want”. Because I could just look at new games and do reviews of them, I need to actually wither love or hate these things, and find the flow to both play and write about them. The aforementioned Animal Crossing has basically no flow at all. Mostly becase I am insistent on writing about a game I enjoy.

In the mean time, Pokemon GO has been a god-send. It’s one of the few times thag I don’t mind all the events because they make for great material.

On top of all of this though, I need to get that flow back. It’s been a while since I had a flow that made me write, write and write some more. Oh well. I’ll just have to find other stuff to write about. Particularly for my daily 500 words.

In the mean time, go read aabicus’s article, and experience that flow for yourself.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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