I Don’t Get Close Quarters Combat in the Sea of Thieves

In the Sea of Thieves, I’ve managed to do a fair amount of learning. Despite my few hours, there are plenty of things I have learned, making me not completely useless. I’m good on the cannons and I’m also getting better at steering the ship. However, there is one place that I fall down, and that’s close quarters combat. I don’t know why, I just don’t get it. The concept is simple enough. Get into close range and then either hit them with a sword or shoot them with the blunderbuss. If you do this correctly, the pirate standing in… [Continue Reading]

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The New Winter Setting is Really Nice in Pokemon GO

While all the events and weird ticketed research is going on, there’s one thing that’s somewhat slipped under the radar, despite being obvious. The recent art for Pokemon GO has been really nice. We have a sweet loading screen with a happy Spheal and everything is slightly icy, with piles of snow on the world map and festive Christmas trees on the catch screen. It actually feels somewhat wintery. Like a proper seasonal change. This leads me to one question. Can we have actual seasons please? This year, we’ve actually already seen a few graphic upgrades, such as the changing… [Continue Reading]

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More Berries too, Please

The other day, I talked about Pokeballs and how we have very few of them in-game. But the same actually applies to berries too. In the main games, there are tons of berries. A LOT of berries. There are berries for almost everything. They can heal Pokemon, they can remove status effects like confusion and sleepiness, they can buff a Pokemon’s next attack AND they can improve the EVs of Pokemon. That’s a huge amount of things. Meanwhile, Pokemon GO only has 6 berries. Or 5 if you don’t count a Poffin as a berry. Surely we could take some… [Continue Reading]

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More Pokeballs, Please

With the recent raid day for the Ultra Beasts, we actually got a new Pokeball, for the first time in years. The Beast Ball is designed to catch Ultra Beasts more easily, but struggle to catch normal Pokemon. That Beast Ball made the Ultra Beast raid day so much more fun. Being able to catch our targets with ease meant that we spent less time catching and more time raiding. Plus, I find that Beast Balls look really cool. In Pokemon GO though, we actually only have five types of Pokeball; Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Premier Ball and the… [Continue Reading]

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On Archon Hunts and Shards

Back in the New War, we fought some boss enemies known as Archons. They were weird amalgams between Warframe and Sentient, with a massive crystal sticking out of their bodies. After each battle, we’d rip out that Archon Shard and give it to Natah to help her heal. There were three bosses, two fought as the Drifter and one fought by our Warframes. After the New War, it was believed that the Archons were dead. Well, turns out they’re not dead. Someone by the name of Pazuul has shoved new shards into these Archons and brought them back to life.… [Continue Reading]

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That Weird Loading Screen Pose in Warframe

Something has been bothering me, ever since I got back into Warframe. Part of the reason I stopped playing was because the game just wouldn’t load into missions. But now I am actually able to do missions and all that, I’m reminded of the end of mission loading screen. There’s something wrong with it, and I very much dislike it. It’s an awkward pose I don’t know what this pose is supposed to be. It’s kinda like an action pose, but my Warframe (Styanax in this case) is all hunched over. He doesn’t look relaxed at all, despite the mission… [Continue Reading]

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Happy Holidays 2022!

Wait, what? It’s December? And it’s the 25th? Christmas Day? What the hell happened? Where did December go? How did we get here? No, seriously, I swear that December has flown by. Maybe it’s because this Christmas is rather different compared to previous Christmases. Lots of different things going on. For me, it’s the first time I’m spending Christmas away from family, and everything is a little bit exciting and definitely very different. But yeah, it’s Christmas Day and things are nice and calm right now. It’s not snowing, but it never does when you’re on the coast. It’s only… [Continue Reading]

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Purified Pokemon Still Kinda Suck

It’s been a long time since shadow Pokemon were buffed, but at the same time, purified Pokemon have remained as they are, with almost no changes. We’ve reached a point that purified Pokemon are pretty much forgotten. But are there any real redeeming qualities to purified Pokemon? Or should we leave our shadow Pokemon as they are? The lowered stardust and candy costs are not that enticing When you purify a Pokemon, it becomes cheaper to power up, both with candy and stardust. There’s also a reduced cost when it comes to evolving a purified Pokemon as well. This stacks… [Continue Reading]

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Styanax and A Hint of Nostalgia

Styanax is the 50th Warframe, and, as part of the 50th Warframe celebration, was given out for free, meaning a lot of people already own him. If you missed the celebration, then Styanax’s components are sold by Chipper, in Karl’s camp. Styanax’s design resembles that of ancient Spartans, carrying a shield and spear. And personally, I think he’s quite an interesting, yet somewhat simple, Warframe. I’m also pretty amazed that we’re at 50 Warframes now. Well, 51 at the time of writing. He’s cool. The 50th Warframe is a pretty neat one. Its abilities involve throwing spears, throwing shields and… [Continue Reading]

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Elite Raids in Pokemon GO

Back before the pandemic, Pokemon GO used to have a system called EX Raids. Every month or so, players who spun certain gyms (called EX gyms) would be given a black raid pass, with a date and time printed on it. On the day, a raid would appear, and only people with EX Passes could do the raid. The raid boss was always something rare, like a Mewtwo with Shadow Ball. However, this system was scrapped, and for a while, we didn’t really have anything to replace them. Now, a couple of years later, we got a new system, called… [Continue Reading]

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