The Flow of Writing

Writing, at least, good writing, has a flow to it. A journey of words that twist around and trickle down, starting as a stream and slowly becoming a mighty river. Actually writing, creating your own words, stories and articles, is just like another river, one that also ebbs and flows. This river decides whether you continue downstream or if you get caught on some piece of junk that won’t ever biodegrade. I’ll be honest with you all. What I just wrote was a load of utter bollocks. There was no real flow, it made little sense and frankly my similies… [Continue Reading]

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When Writers’ Block Attacks

Today, I am going to write about Writers’ Block. Because, somewhat ironically, I have a massive problem with Writers’ Block currently. Turns out, writing 500 words a day every day can only go on for so long. I was bound to get burnt out eventually. However, I’m still trying and I haven’t given up yet. So how am I coping? Eh, I’ve felt better. Got no energy. Normally, in a day, I have time to write something. Generally my writing is done in the evening, after work. But so far, 2022 has been keeping me quite busy, to the point… [Continue Reading]

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The Curious Single-Timeline Nature of Everything I Write

As you are probably aware, either from the fact that the Daily SPUF recently hit a milestone in articles or the fact that I, Medic, write all of them, this crazy individual does a vast amount of writing. In fact, I do so much writing that the article in which I mentioned we had nearly reached 2400 articles had to be updated, because I had originally written the article just before we hit the 2300 article milestone and nearly forgot to change it. In fact, I had to alter this opening paragraph to not include a number due to how… [Continue Reading]

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Writing About Writers’ Block

It’s probably a testament to writers’ block just how long this article has sat here, all empty and quiet. There are other article drafts that have sat around for longer, many of which are leftovers from the golden years of SPUF (rest in peace) written and started by people who never came back and will never be finished. Some of those articles may end up getting adopted one day, but as far as I’m concerned, they’re just part of the baggage around here now. They were still there when we hit 2000 articles and now we’re straying further and further… [Continue Reading]

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