The Little Gap Between Events
As of writing, there is no event going on in Pokemon GO. The Festival of Colours event has ended, and we’re getting a Team Rocket-based event coming next week. Because there is no event going on, we get basic seasonal spawns. Pokemon that spawn naturally in the wild, based on whatever season we’re in. By ‘season’, I don’t mean normal, in-real-life seasons, I mean the ones in Pokemon GO. They do kinda sorta co-exist with real seasons, but the seasonal spawns aren’t always related to winter or spring or whatever.
The current season is Rising Heroes, and we’re expecting more battling and Team Rocket stuff. But right now, with no event going on, things have quietened down, and we get normal spawns. So what are these seasonal Pokemon like?
Meh. Lots of Meh.

Well, they’re pretty dull. The Pokemon I’ve seen over the last few days have mostly consisted of birds. Starly and Pidove are all over the place, I’ve seen so many of them, and my daily incense always seems to spawn them. The evolved forms of both birds are spawning in the wild as well. Sandshrew is pretty damn common, but only the Kanto version. The Alolan version was in a previous season. Our friends Eevee and Pikachu are spawning as always and Weedle is still around alongside Caterpie. Bunnleby also spawns, but I swear it spawns no matter what the season is. I’ve also seen the odd Woobat, as well as occasional starter Pokemon. I’ve seen the odd Chespin and Fennekin, as well as a bunch of Froakie in one nearby playground.
I have however seen both a Houndour and a Rhydon, two of my favourites. But they’re pretty rare, nowhere near as many as I’d like. Rhyhorn is currently in 3-star raids, but I don’t see any point doing those raids since I already have tons of candy, Rhydons and Rhyhorns. I suppose that at least I’d be guaranteed 3* Pokemon, but again, I have plenty of Rhydons. Probably too many. Another Pokemon that I want more of is Ponyta, which actually spawns more than I thought.
Very dull spawns.
Most of these spawns though are boring as heck. But I guess that they’re supposed to be pretty dull. After all, an event generally isn’t very good if it doesn’t have anything interesting in it. You want the event spawns to be way better than the normal spawns. Although “way better” is often hard to determine. Event Pokemon vary wildly. That being said, the Festival of Colours event was kinda boring, and normal seasonal Pokemon kept on popping up next to the event Pokemon. Most of the spawns were Woobuffet, Koffing and Bruxish although I appreciate the spawn of Paras. It was nice getting 500 stardust from the odd Paras. However, not every spawn was an event spawn, many normal seasonal Pokemon appeared to fill in the gaps. So I kept on seeing those Starlies and Pidoves.
But honestly, I think this season has worse spawns compared to previous seasons. The most interesting thing I’ve found is a Helioptile. Which is supposed to be a rare spawn. However, we had a whole event not too long ago that had nothing but Helioptile in it.
I guess I’d better just wait for the next event. Maybe that one will have more interesting spawns…