Fennekin Community Day
It’s that time of year where we get another starter Pokemon for a Community Day. Fennekin is a cute little fiery starter, and the 21st was a chance to catch a huge number of them. However, we’ve had a lot of fire starter community days, so does Fennekin’s community day stand out? Was it any good?
It’s alright.

The community day had some nice features. Double candy and double stardust were nice bonuses, but for us, the weather wasn’t amazing. We had a few scattered showers, and the clouds were threatening to rain on us. We actually decided to walk around our home area rather than go into town, and we had plenty of spawns. It took a while, but brother and I both managed to get at least 5 shinies – I actually managed to get 3 shinies in the space of ten minutes, despite having a half-hour drought of shinies beforehand. One nice thing about this event is how pretty shiny Fennekin and its family are. They all keep the red, but the grey-ish purple colour really stands out.
We also nominated some Pokestops, because why not, there were a few places in the next village over that were ripe candidates. However we didn’t play for the full three hours, mostly because we didn’t want to get rained on, and our batteries were getting a bit low.
How’s the move?
Being a starter, Delphox learns the move Blaze Burn, which is a powerful fire type attack. It’s the same attack that all fire-type starters seem to get, and it is basically their strongest move. On the scale of fire starters, Delphox is about equal to Blaziken, with a little more bulk. Unfortunately, Chandelure, Reshiram, Shadow Pokemon and Mega Pokemon exist, all of which are better than Delphox and Blaziken, as well as the rest of the fire starters. And unlike Blaziken, Delphox doesn’t have a mega form or a shadow form, meaning it still misses out.
However, if you don’t have any of the above, Delphox is probably your best bet, and with this community day, it was a good chance to catch a decent fire type.
What’s also odd is that Delphox actually got two moves. Just like how Blaziken got Blaze Kick after its community day, Delphox will be able to learn Mystic Fire. I’m not really sure how Mystic Fire plays out, but it’s more of a PvP move, with three charges instead of two like Blaze Burn does. If anything, this puts Delphox on the same level again as Blaziken when it comes to being used.
Overall, pretty fun.
I definitely wouldn’t say that this community day was a bad one. Despite only playing about half of it, I got plenty of shinies, and I managed to evolve a 100% Fennekin that I’ve been holding on to for over a year. We also got some pretty good exercise as well, walking around the village. Sure, it wasn’t an exciting day like the classic Swinub community day, but it was a chance to grab some cool fire types and get ourselves a really nice shiny.