Over 2500 Published Articles
Well, I made an oopsie. I didn’t realize how many articles I’ve published. No, it’s not over 9000, but it’s still a pretty high number. I may have missed it, but I have written over 2500 articles for the Daily SPUF. That’s quite a lot since we (somewhat) recently hit 3500 articles total on the Daily SPUF.
Normally, I’d be celebrating, but frankly, now I’ve past the milestone, it’s not quite as fun. Celebrating your 2503rd article isn’t nearly as fun as celebrating my 2500th article. That being said, I’ve gone and celebrated my 2000th article and my old 1000th article. Damn, they feel so long ago. And we’re still a good 300-ish articles for our 4000th article total.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really know what to say or write. It’s a big milestone no matter how you look at it. It also kinda doesn’t feel that impressive to me, because I’ve been writing for so long. I’ve done 500 words a day every single day since Jan 1st 2016, and I still haven’t missed a day. Well that’s not 100% true, I’ve been caught out by a few minutes rarely, but I’ve still managed to complete 500 words daily. It’s all guaranteed readable as well. Pretty much all my articles are standalone pieces, and my fictional stuff is still going as well. Even if I have kinda neglected my fictional stuff. Articles don’t need to worry too much about continuity, unless I’m writing about a Warframe mod.
That being said, I’m pretty certain I’ve repeated myself over the years. After having written about so many things, it’s hard not to repeat anything. Heck, all these milestone articles are also very repetitive. They’re mostly me patting myself on the back for having written so many articles. But I think I do deserve a pat on the back. I’ve managed to keep the Daily SPUF daily for years. Every day there’s a fresh article to be read. Although I have noticed lately that WordPress doesn’t always want to publish articles when I schedule them, so it’s a good thing I keep an eye on these things.
What I find most ironic though is that I’m struggling with writing this article. I have writers’ block while writing an article about how much writing I have done. It’s pretty bad, to be honest. But I always come up with something in the end. After all, someone has to keep the Daily SPUF daily. I should be proud though because, despite many bouts of writers’ block, I still manage to get things done. Like this article.
So yeah. Yay me! I still got this! I should celebrate, at least a little. What I’ve done is quite an achievement, now that I think about it. How many other people have written as much as I have? Well, there’s probably quite a few people, like journalists and the like. But as a casual writer? It’s pretty impressive. Especially since I’ve kept it up for so long.
Now to start working towards 3000 articles. Only another five hundred to go. Actually, less than that, since I’ve already passed my 2500th article. Here’s to more articles in the future!
Congrats, that’s such a huge number! I’m only at ~850 myself, I’m blown away by how much you write