Pokemon GO’s Season 10 Has Kinda Sucked

Season 10: Rising Heroes has sucked. It’s been an all-round mediocre season with not much going on. In fact,it’s been so boring that I’m actually writing about it. This season not only has been boring, but it’s also been limiting, and not much good has actually happened. But why?

The seasonal spawns suck

It’s been nothing but fricking Pidove, with a smattering of Starly, Weedle, Caterpie and the odd Patrat. Pidove seemed to take up most of the spawns. In windy weather, it and Starly made up most of the spawns, aside from the odd Drifbloon. And of course there’s fucking Sandshrew. That bastard has been all over the place. I swear it takes up a good 25% of spawns that I see. But Sandshrew has been a pretty common spawn for multiple seasons now, and I’m pretty sick of it. Doesn’t help matters that Sandshrew’s Alolan form has also been clogging up Steel and Ice Team Rocket battles.

The only good common spawn was Ponyta, but that’s mostly because I like Ponyta. I’ve also seen the odd Rhyhorn and Houndour, but they have been very rare, at least outside of the Team Rocket event. I did see a couple of Axew and Goomy, but they were also mostly just one-offs.

Raids haven’t been that good either. We got a chance at shiny Genesect again, and we did get the Tapus as shinies, but there’s been very little of interest aside from Shadow Mewtwo. And don’t get me started on how crappy 3-star raids have been. They’ve been godawful, even worse than normal. Even the 1-star raids have been hit and miss.

The events also sucked

I don’t know why, but these events have also been unimaginative. Heck, it’s so bad that there were multiple events that didn’t even alter the basic seasonal spawns. We had an event for each of the team leaders, but they seemed pretty lame. We didn’t really help or anything, we were just a quick pick-me-up for the two ladies, and we helped Spark catch his mischievous Elekid which had run away. Oh wow, such heroes we were.

The season mostly finished with a Team Rocket event, but the spawns weren’t particularly interesting, and we weren’t able to TM away the move Frustration, like we often can in other Team Rocket events.. Although I can’t complain about a chance to catch more Houndours.

Not even the season benefits were particularly good. Getting 750 stardust from Grunts was nice, but it was basically the only noticeable seasonal buff. The other buffs were the standard seasonal spawns and eggs, Team GO Rocket appearing more often and damage from remote raids being “boosted”. Except that last one has been there for ages, and the only boost is that remote and local players do the same amount of damage.

It all sucks despite the new features

This season did give us two somewhat good things. Shadow Raids are kinda alright, and we finally got the Master Ball, after all these years. The Master Ball was the last stage rewards of the Let’s GO research that was basically unavailable for most of the season. But those features don’t really make up for what we’ve lost. Remote raids were basically ruined, and they continue to be ruined as more and more raiding content becomes local-only.

So overall, the season of Rising Heroes has been pretty un-heroic. It’s been boring and frankly a little tedious. Let’s hope next season is a bit better.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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