Done with Duviri

I don’t know why, but Duviri doesn’t sit right with me. It feels weirdly disconnected. And I feel like I’m done with it. I don’t want to do anything Duviri-related any more. It’s cool and all, but I really just don’t enjoy it.

A lot of what I don’t enjoy comes from the combat. I very much dislike the melee combat. It feels like an attempt to try a vaguely Dark Souls-like sort of combat but it feels disjointed, and there’s simply too much to do. You generally have too many enemies coming at you at once, so you don’t have time to use all the combat moves. Sure, you can parry one guy but you’ve also got to deal with ranged attacks and special attacks as well. Getting Decrees does help a little bit, but Drifter’s combat still feels very clunky. Which is weird because Warframe melee doesn’t have the same problems at all. Some moves for certain weapons are a bit slow and clunky, but you can fix that with stances and mods.

What’s also not very interesting are the bounties. Sure, they are a little more.. story-y than normal bounties, but they all end in exactly the same way, with a battle against an Orowyrm. There’s also always two trips to the Undercroft, using the random Warframe you pick at the start of your mission, and there’s a bunch of Dax to fight, or the odd puzzle. At least traveling for bounties is half-decent, since everyone gets a Kaithe to ride on. But even the Duviri Paradox, the quest that introduces Duviri, is basically a bounty with some cut scenes before and after it. It’s just not interesting, despite being set in an interesting world. All the cool lore is mostly trapped in little hidden things that need scanning.

The landscape is pretty interesting but I find it kinda weird since it’s also got normal beings living there. Most of which just add to the scenery. You have stray animals, dogs that wander around and people sitting at their houses. But still Duviri feels kinda lifeless. There’s only ever a handful of enemies and the majority of what you fight are Dax soldiers. And that’s kinda it. Sure, the Plains of Eidolon and the Orb Vallis aren’t filled to the brim with enemies, but they do have different variations, as well as harder enemies that spawn the more you piss the local inhabitants off.

Drifter with Sun and Moon, dual Katanas
Drifter with Sun and Moon, dual Katanas

That being said, I haven’t done everything on Duviri. I still haven’t managed to kill an Orowyrm, and I haven’t managed to get the majority of the adapting weapons. I got the Incarnon upgrade for the Furis and that is about it. There’s a lot of weapons though, and more are on the way, but I’m not really in the mood to do tons of the Circuit in order to obtain them. Especially when you have to do Steel Path.

However, despite not liking Duviri itself, I do actually like the Circuit. The random loadouts can be a massive pain in the ass, but it does go to show that some Warframes are better than you’d think. The idea is to be adaptable, which is fine as long as you start with at least one half-decent Warframe or weapon, enough to get you through the first couple of rounds. However, once you have a few Decrees and get the ball rolling, you can end up being pretty strong. Decrees do quite a lot more than you’d think, despite sounding rather simple.

Unfortunately though, my ability to even play in Duviri is already stifled. It takes so long to load, just to get into Teshin’s cave, that it’s just not worth it. Even the Circuit takes a long time, despite being basically 4 different maps and that’s it. There are other parts of Warframe that load better, and I find myself playing those missions instead.

But yeah, I’m tired of Duviri. It’s just not worth my time, even if the rewards seem good.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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