Random Things I Want back in Warframe

Warframe has evolved over the years, and things have changed over said years. However, not all change is good. Here are some things I want back in Warframe.

Fortuna’s Purple Look

The original Fortuna was lit up in neon colours, mostly purples, pinks and cyans. However, with the New War and the terrifying For Narmer sequence, Fortuna becomes decorated in red and gold, the colours of Narmer. And after the New War, Fortuna remains stuck in that red and gold.

An average day on Fortuna 69
An average day on old Fortuna 69

Fortuna used to look really cool. But now it’s dull and drab and the gold Orokin stuff just looks bland and ugly.

Fortuna 69 with Volt and the Sign Nezha
Fortuna 69 with its new Narmer colour scheme

On the one hand, the Narmer Fortuna is a heavy hit, screaming “YOU LOST HARD” to the player in the New War, but after that, there should have been something to help Fortuna get back on its feet. Even if it was a short quest or something to bring Fortuna back to its rather neon glory. If you haven’t done the New War, then Fortuna stays the same, but after the New War, the Narmer’s changes seem to be permanent.

Blast Damage

When I was new, my favourite elemental type was Blast damage. Blast Damage was pretty special because it would, well, do blasty things. Blast damage is what you’d use if you wanted to shoot an enemy high into the air, or make it crash into a wall or ceiling. Ragdolling enemies was great fun, even if it did sometimes scatter enemies all over the place. One of the best weapons for Blast was the Sonicor, the second weapon I ever got a riven mod for.

Sadly though, Blast damage got changed. It no longer sends enemies flying, nor does it really stagger enemies. Instead, it just makes enemies slightly less accurate. It’s barely noticeable. Puncture damage kinda replaces it, causing enemies to stagger and become open to Mercy Kills, but it’s just not the same.

Old Covert Lethality

Covert Lethality used to be amazing. If you did a finisher on an enemy, they would instantly die. Regardless of level. It was insanely strong and worked on anything that could be killed by a finisher. The catch was that you could only apply it to daggers, which have always been the weakest type of melee weapon. The best trick was to either remain in stealth and backstab people, or use something that forces finishers. The key candidate was Ash with the Fatal Teleport augment. Using said augment, you would instantly teleport to an enemy and also instantly do a finisher and kill them. While, at the time, it was a bit overpowered, Covert Lethality could have been altered to be less deadly on boss-level enemies like Eximus.

Yes, Covert Lethality does still work a bit, mostly with Ash’s Blade Storm, but it’s not the instant killer it used to be.

Plague Star

Let’s be honest here, Plague Star does come back rarely. But the only reason why everyone wants Plague Star back is because of the easy Forma. Plague Star is a tedious event that involves running all around the Plains of Eidolon, going from one side of the map to the other, and following the world’s slowest balloon, and ends with you fighting Lephantis but slightly smaller and with a different name. But people play this otherwise boring mission just to get standing so you can buy fully-built forma from Nakak, a little kid.

But the boredom is worth it. The mission is tedious and repetitive but come on, these are basically free forma. You can see why DE very rarely brings Plague Star back. And I don’t blame them, Forma are one of their big money-makers. Still, I do want the event back. Even if it’s to hear Konzu slagging off Vay Hek while I grind for Forma.


Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t played New War, but in it, something horrible happens. Well, a lot of horrible things happen in the New War, but one of the horrible things is that our version of Ordis dies. He gets instantly replaced by an Ordis from another timeline, but it’s not just the same. Sure, all the dialogue is the same, but now Ordis is a weird, floating Orokin bin of a Cephalon. It’s a kinda ugly Orokin design as well. All I see is a floating basket.

While I could just turn spoiler mode on, which hides a lot of potential spoilers (like Fortuna’s heads or old Lotus from before the New War, as well as purple Lotus), I don’t really want to because I like seeing my custom Lotus and the actual identities of the people in Fortuna. It’s just not the same thing.

There are other things I’d like back, but they’re much… smaller things. Which will probably appear in a second article. In the mean time, I’m going to sit in Fortuna 69, despite its Narmer-based looks…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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