Charmander Classic Community Day
Classic Community Days always bring back a Pokemon from the past who previously had a Community Day. In the case of Charmander, it actually already had two community days. The first one gave its evolution Charizard Blast Burn, the standard starter Pokemon fire charge move. The second gave Charizard the fast move Dragon Breath. Both are good moves in their own ways. Charmander’s Classic Community Day was the chance to get both moves at once.

Are these moves any good though? Blast Burn certainly is. Charizard is pretty good in raids. Not the best (especially with the likes of Reshiram, Magma Storm Heatran and shadow Moltres hanging around) but definitely a good option if you don’t have many fire types. Charizard also has two mega evolutions (since it’s greedy). As a fire Pokemon for raids, Charizard is fantastic good damage and a good Mega. However, as a fire/dragon type when mega evolved into Charizard X, his only dragon charge move is Dragon Claw, which is not at all good for raids. Dragon Breath is okay but it works better as a move in PvP, being a heavier hitting move with kinda good energy generation.
You should definitely have enough Mega Candy to mega evolve a Charizard, especially since the Charmander Community Day gave out a bit over 200 mega candy as a very easy timed research. And once you’ve mega evolved one Charizard, you can walk any other to get mega candy alongside normal walking candy.
So yeah, getting a Charizard or six is a good idea. At the very least, you should have one good one to mega evolve. Evolving a Charmeleon on the Classic Community Day will teach both Dragon Breath and Blast Burn to your Charizards, but you might want a couple of Charizards, perhaps one with a fire fast move for raids and a dragon breath one for PvP. It seems like a shame to TM away an event move, but Charizards for raiding need a fire fast move to be useful.
As for the actual community day, it was pretty nice. The bonus was x3 stardust for catching Pokemon. So even if you’re like me and don’t really need any more Charmanders or Charizards, it was still great to go out and catch Pokemon for all that stardust. Sadly, despite it being hot and sunny outside, Pokemon GO insisted that the weather was windy, meaning I couldn’t get that lovely extra weatherboosted stardust. However, with a star piece, I was still getting 450 stardust per catch. And I did get a lot of catches. My main objective was to get stardust, but I also wanted to get enough XL Candy to be able to max out my level 40 Charizard best buddy, get it up to level 50. It only occurred to me half way through that I could mega evolve my Charizard in order to get more candy and have a higher chance of getting XL candy.
I did play this event solo and very casually, so I probably missed out on a bunch of good Charmanders, mostly since I was just catching and deleting. I did however manage to get quite a bit of stardust, which is always nice. And I’ll be able to get more stardust in the upcoming 2023 Ultra Unlock events.
So yeah, it was fun. If a bit basic. Oh well.