Dagath’s Backstory – So Screwing Warframes is Fine…

Being a good clan warlord, when Dagath came out, we got that room pretty much instantly. Between Inquizitor and myself, we built the room, fed it the materials it needed and then wasted some Platinum on getting it built instantly. Once we had the room done, we went in,m grabbed the blueprints for Dagath and her weapon and that was pretty much it. It wasn’t until I noticed I could alter my Kaithe in that room (although my Kaithe always appears invisible to me) that I noticed that Dagath has LORE. And not just any lore, but lore read by our old friend Grandmother, who always provides us with a scary story for Naberus, the Warframe version of Halloween.

Dagath and a Kavat, because I couldn't be bothered to load Duviri and get a horse.
Dagath and a Kavat, because I couldn’t be bothered to load Duviri and get a horse.

In this lore, Grandmother tells us two things. Firstly, she tells us the story of how Dagath was made. And then she reveals to us that Dagath is actually her name, and she offered her name to the then-nameless rampaging Warframe in order to calm it down and give it meaning, in exchange for it not violently murdering her. Which is pretty damn brave of Grandmother, after all. Most people who face a Warframe end up dead.

But the Warframe itself, well, its story is actually kinda sad. But in a hand-jerking way rather than a tear-jerking way.

You see, like a lot of Warframes, Dagath was originally a Dax soldier, who served a pair of Orokin elite. The Orokin elite though were into three-ways, and often invited their Dax to join them. After all, she was hot. In order to keep her quiet though, since fucking your body guard wasn’t technically allowed, they gave the Dax a horse, on the condition that she never give it a name, and they told her she wasn’t allowed a name either. They feared that, if she named the horse, she’d love it more than she loved them. And, of course, she gave it a name and started loving the horse more than them.

Rather than sitting down and discussing things like adults though, the Orokin couple decided to arrange an ‘accident’ to kill the horse. Except they nearly killed the Dax soldier as well. In desperation, they take the dying Dax to Ballas and ask him to save her. So he turns the Dax into a Warframe. But the Warframe retains the Dax’s pretty face, frozen in a permanent smile. Of course, the Orokin decide that they don’t want to fuck their Dax-turned-immortal-monster any more, especially since it no longer seems to want to join in and prefers to stand in the corner, staring at them. So what do the Orokin do? They take it to a scrap yard, lie it down and fire a laser through its face to kill it.

This is a Warframe though. It didn’t die. It woke up and went on a murderous rampage, looking for the Orokin bastards who had stolen its face and its name. Once they were dead though, the Warframe wandered around, with no purpose, becoming nothing more than a Naberus tale, a being you offered gifts to so it didn’t kill you. The Warframe eventually ran into Grandmother on one Naberus night, and was ready to kill her too, when she offered her name to it. Taking the name Dagath (which apparently means The Mirror that Accuses), the Warframe disappeared to hunt down other Orokin, who would apparently see their sins in the hole where Dagath’s face should have been.

Thing is, this entire tale raises a lot of questions. Like, were the Orokin fine with fucking Warframes? Sure, it was taboo to fuck a Dax soldier, but it seems the two Orokin that made Dagath simply got bored of her, mostly because she was docile and, more curiously, that it WASN’T taboo. They got off on being naughty, on doing things that weren’t allowed and were considered grounds for execution, at least for the Dax soldier. But the Warframe? That was, well, fine, it seems.

Not that it’d be a great experience, mind you. Unless you’re with someone like Nidus, who is all infested tissue, Warframes have skin like sword-skill (as stated by Ballas in the Sacrifice), so I imagine that it’d be pretty cold and potentially rather bloody, depending on how sharp that skin is. And, weirdly, according to porn artists, Warframe genitalia glow in the dark. No idea why they decided on that, but there is some precedence for it at least, since Wukong DOES have a glowing butthole.

Still, Dagath’s lore is worrying, and probably for all the wrong reasons…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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